Agrisera blog

Localization of plant clathrin using immunocytochemistry and Agrisera directly labelled anti-clathrin 1,2 antibodies

Material: Zea mays hybrid variety

5 days-old germinating maize root tips were cut and fixed with 4% formaldehyde, 60 min, RT. Cell walls were digested with enzymes cellulase and pectinase in MES buffer for 90 min, RT. After washing with PBS, roots were squashed gently using a flat tip forceps to release the cells into PBS buffer. Cells were allowed to settle O/N at 4°C, followed by immunolocalization.

Immunocytochemistry (ICC)
Cells were permeabilized with 0.5% Triton X-100, 10 min, RT, followed by washing with PBS buffer before blocking with 5% fish gelatin-PBS, 30 min, RT.

Detection antibody: Cells were incubated with rabbit anti-clathrin 1,2 primary antibodies conjugated with DyLight®594 (AS10 690-DL594, Agrisera) for 3h/RT. Nuclei were stained with DAPI followed Fluoromount-G mounting (Southern Biotech).

Courtesy of Dr. Ferhan Ayaydin and Dr. Divya Teja Dondapati, Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine, (HCEMM), Szeged, Hungary.
   Immunlofluorescent localization of clathrin on plant tissue
Upper panels show the Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) transmitted light image (gray) and Clathrin immunodetection (red). Lower panels represent DAPI labelled nuclei (cyan) and the merged image of Clathrin and DAPI.

Read more 2023-06-20

Agrisera at ICAR2023

Agrisera attended the 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023) in Chiba, Japan between the 5th and 8th of June, 2023.

A big thank you to everyone who came by Agrisera's booth to talk antibodies and plant science!

We would also like to give a big thank you the organizers and to our Japanese distributor Funakoshi, who accompanied us in the booth and invited us for a lovely meeting and dinner in Tokyo! Thank you to Ms. Ayuna Kisanuki, Mr. Akihiro Yoshida, Mr. Koichi Tanaka, Mrs. Sachie Kai and Ms. Aoi Sawada!

Agrisera's mascot and antibody expert Buddy was also present at the conference.
Agrisera's conference booth at ICAR2023.

Left to right: Akihiro (Funakoshi), Edith (Agrisera), Ayuna (Funakoshi), Koichi (Funakoshi).

Read more 2023-06-19

Immunofluorescent localization using Agrisera epitope tag antibodies

Take an advantage of Agrisera epitope tag antibodies in fluorescent immunolocalization of proteins under investigation

Immunofluorescent localization using Agrisera epitope tag antibodies
Various antibodies to epitope tags have been used for immunoifluorescent localization of target proteins in transfected HEK293 cells, including anti-HA (AS12 2220), anti-3xHis (AS20 4441) and anti-Myc (AS21 4529). Details of employed protocols are provided on the specific antibody product pages. 

Images courtesy of Courtesy of Dr. Anna K Överby, Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), Section of Virology. Department of Clinical Microbiology Umeå University, Sweden.

Read more 2023-06-14

Agrisera Western blot workshop for Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)

On the 12th of June Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, conducted an online workshop for researchers from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Spain. The title of the workshop was "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize".

The workshop was almost two hours long, including a 10 minutes break for the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes and coffee. Questions submitted by attendees were answered, and many pitfalls of the Western blot technique were discussed, with specific experimental examples. 

Participants also had a chance to win Agrisera high titer secondary antibodies and 2 ECL reagents, in two quizzes, consisting of questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information. The recording of the workshop is available on demand. 

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!
  Work flow in Western blot technique

Feedback from one of the participants: "Thank you very much for the seminar, I think was very interesting and enjoyable."

Read more 2023-06-14

Plant actin visualization using expansion microscopy with Agrisera anti-actin monoclonal antibodies

Sample: Maize protoplasts fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in 1X PBS pH 7.4 for 1 hour and washed 3 times in 1XPBS buffer

Primary antibodies: Agrisera AS21 4615 actin monoclonal; clone 14H4G8;

Secondary antibodies: Agrisera Donkey anti-Mouse IgG (H&L), DyLight® 488 conjugated AS10 1201

Other reagents: 30% Bovine Serum Albumin solution, Sigma Aldrich Cat # A8577-50ML; Phosphate Buffered Saline 10X, Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat # 19342-10; Imaging spacer, Millipore Sigma Grace Bio-Labs SecureSeal™ imaging spacer Cat # GBL654008


  1. Block isolated protoplasts in a blocking buffer (2% BSA in 1x PBS) for 1 h at room temperature.
  2. Dilute the primary antibody to 1: 500 in a blocking buffer, mix well, and spin down at 150 x g for 3 min:
  3. Spin down protoplasts in a blocking buffer at 150 g for 1 -3 min and remove as much supernatant as possible using a pipette tip with a cut end (wide opening).
  4. Resuspend protoplasts in diluted antibody and incubate for 1 h at room temperature.
  5. Spin down protoplasts at 150 g for 1 min and remove as much supernatant as possible using a pipette tip with a cut end.
  6. Wash protoplasts in a blocking buffer 3 times for 5 minutes each. Spin and resuspend as described in step 5 between each washing step.
  7. Dilute the secondary antibody AS10 1201 to 1: 400, mix well, and spin down at 150 x g for 3 min:
  8. Incubate protoplasts in diluted antibody for 1 h at room temperature.
  9. Repeat the washing steps as described in 5-6.
  10. Resuspend a protoplast pellet in a small volume of PBS 1X, pH 7.4.
  11. Prepare microscopy slide: attach imaging spacer on top of the slide, peal off top adhesive membrane, add protoplast suspension on to the slide inside the spacer opening, cover with 22x22 mm cover glass No 1.5.
  12. Imaging: Zeiss Elyra 7 SIM

Courtesy of Dr. Anastasiya Klebanovych, Dr. Kirk Czymmek, Dr. Kevin Cox, Dr. Blake Meyers, at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA

 Plant actin visualization using Agrisera monoclonal antibodies AS21 4615

Read more 2023-06-09

Agrisera Prizes awarded during International Plant Proteomics Organization Conference

Agrisera supported the 5th International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO) conference, held between the 22nd and 25th of May 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference focused on basic and applied plant proteomics research. 

The meeting covered the following topics:

  • Plant stress under climate crisis
  • Developmental proteomics
  • Signaling in plant interactions
  • Systems biology studies
  • Technical/methodological advances in proteomic analysis

The winners of Agrisera Best Poster Prizes, as well as a free antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog, were Dr. Jingjing Huang from Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University and VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology,Belgium. and PhD student Siel Goethals from VIB-UGent Plant Systems Biology, Belgium

Awaiting your free antibody choices!

 Agrisera awards druing INPPO 2023

Read more 2023-06-02

Agrisera antibodies in immunolocalization studies overview

The conference Straub Days 2023, took place between 25th and 26th of May at the Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary. During the conference, the poster "Plant cell immunolocalization and the use of advanced imaging techniques at HCEMM Advanced Core Facility" was presented by Dr. Ferhan Ayaydin and Dr. Divya Teja Dondapati from the Functional Cell Biology and Immunology-Advanced Core Facility, HCEMM, Szeged; and Institute of Plant Biology, BRC, Szeged.

The poster showed various methods of material preparaton, and included immunolocalization results obtained with Agrisera antibodies to:

These were combined with matching Agrisera secondary antibodies:

  • Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H&L), DyLight® 488-conjugated secondary antibodies (AS10 1261), and
  • Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L), DyLight® 550-conjugated secondary antibody (AS12 1962)

The plant material used were: Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv. 'Unggi 9', Zea mays hybrid variety, Arabidopsis thaliana expressing GFP, and Oryza sativa bpt-jeelakarra variety.

Sample preparation methods followed for the immunolocalization studies on dicot and monocots were: suspension culture, root squash, whole root mount and cryosectioning.

  Immunolocalization with Agrisera antibodies shown on a poster during Straub Days in Szeged, Hungary
Seen in the image, left to right: Dr. Ferhan Ayaydin and Dr. Divya Teja Dondapati.

Read more 2023-05-29

Fast and easy protein extraction using Agrisera Protein Extraction Buffer (PEB)

Protein Extraction Buffer (PEB) is an extraction buffer for the disruption and solubilization of total protein from plant tissues and algal cells. The buffer contains the anionic detergent LDS, which does not form crystals while stored at 4-10°C, and is quickly ready to use.

Expected yields will be 1.5-6 µg/µl total protein (recovered from standard procedure), depending on the starting material, e.g. its biological stage and homogenization method used (bead beater vs. sonication). For processing of multiple samples, simultaneous extraction using for example a bead beater is recommended, for consistency of extraction. 

Provided as 5 x 2 ml (4x stock), Agrisera's PEB buffer allows up to 75 isolations of plant material (using 500 μl 1x PEB for 100 mg fresh weight), or 190 isolations of algal material (using 200 μl 1x PEB for cell amounts corresponding to 4-10 μg total chlorophyll).

To product page:
PEB (4x) | protein extraction buffer
  Chosen references: 
Altuntas et al. (2020). Proline-stimulated signaling primarily targets the chlorophyll degradation pathway and photosynthesis associated processes to cope with short-term water deficit in maize. Photosynth Res. 2020 Apr;144(1):35-48. doi: 10.1007/s11120-020-00727-w.
Pérez-López et al. (2020). Transcriptome Analysis Identifies Plasmodiophora brassicae Secondary Infection Effector Candidates. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2020 Jan 11. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12784.
Morin et al. (2019). Morin et al. (2019). Response of the sea-ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus to simulated polar night darkness and return to light. Limnology and Oceanography. 9999, 2019, 1â??20. (sea-ice diatom)
Bausch, A.R., Juhl, A.R., Donaher, N.A. et al. Mar Biol (2019) 166: 80.

Read more 2023-05-26

Agrisera Western blot training for Bicom, Agrisera distributor in South Africa

On the 26th of May, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Technical Support Manager at Agrisera, conducted a Western blot training for the sales force of Agrisera's distributor in South Africa, Bicom Biotech.

The aim was to show which are the most crucial steps of Western blot, and how to help customers using this widely employed protein analysis technique. 

Good luck with helping your customers succeed with their Western blots!

  Protein Checklist before Western blot

Read more 2023-05-26

Extensive collection of antibodies to Arabidopsis thaliana proteins involved in a stress response

As climate change becomes more noticeable, and affect all life on Earth, research on how plants respond to environmental stress intensifies in many laboratories worldwide. Agrisera antibodies, to key proteins involved in plant stress response, help solve many pressing questions of how plants tackle changes to, and threats in, their environment. New antibodies are added continuously to our collection, which includes antibodies to proteins involved in:

Cold stress | Drought stress | Heat shock | Heavy metals | Hypoxia | Oxidative stress | Pathogen attack | Salt stress | UV radiation | Wounding

Agrisera environmental stress antibodies

Read more 2023-05-19

Agrisera Western blot workshop for Wageningen University & Research Laboratory of Biochemistry

On the 15th of May, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, conducted an online workshop for researchers from the Wageningen University & Research Laboratory of Biochemistry, The Netherlands. The title of the workshop was "Western blot - a technique possible to optimize".

The workshop was almost two hours long, including a 10 minutes break for the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes and coffee. Questions submitted by attendees were answered, and many pitfalls of the Western blot technique were discussed, with specific experimental examples. 

Participants also had a chance to win Agrisera high titer secondary antibodies and 2 ECL reagents, in two quizzes, consisting of questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as a pdf of Agrisera's Western blot guide. The recording of the workshop is available on demand. 

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!
 Western blot technique possible to optmize Wageningen University

Feedback from one of the participants: "Thanks! It was a very nice and informative workshop :)"

Read more 2023-05-16

Free epitope tag antibodies

Agrisera offers free-of-charge epitope tag antibodies in return for results. Below is a list of epitope tag antibodies available for testing.

Beside 50 µg of antigen-purified antibodies, we will also provide you with: For Western blot, ChIP and immunolocalization. 

Product numberProduct nameUniprot ID

Research area

AS21 4612BAR | Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (170-183)P16426Epitope tags
AS21 4613BAR | Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (36-50)P16426Epitope tags
AS22 4832Ble tag | Bleomycin resistance proteinP17493Epitope tags
AS16 3690Cas9 | CRISPR-associated endonuclease 9 (polyclonal)Q03JI6Epitope tags
AS22 4855CBD-Tag | Chitin Binding Domain Epitope TagEpitope tags
AS21 4686CBP epitope tagEpitope tags
AS22 4854CBP-tag | Calmodulin Binding Protein Eptiope TagEpitope tags
AS21 4604E TagEpitope tags
AS22 4800GFP11 | C-terminal of GFPP42212Epitope tags
AS21 4607Glu-Glu TagEpitope tags
AS21 4605Halo TagEpitope tags
AS21 4603HSV epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4681HSV epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4680KT3 epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4675mStrawberry Epitope tags
AS21 4602Rho1D4/1D4 TagEpitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4684S epitope tagdoes not applyEpitope tags
AS21 4606SNAP/Clip TagEpitope tags
AS21 4508Trx Tag | Thioredoxin 1 Fusion proteinEpitope tags

Contact us with your antibody choice!
Read more 2023-05-11

Agrisera Best Talk Prizes at the 32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference

Agrisera supported the 32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference, held between the 28th and 30th of April 2023, in Bodega Biological Marine Laboratory, California, USA.

The meeting covered the following topics:

  • Structure-Function Relations in Photosynthesis
  • Electron Transfer and Organization of Photosynthetic Complexes
  • Applied/Artificial Photosynthesis and Bioenergy
  • Global Ecology and Photosynthetic Response to the Dynamic Environment
  • Genomes and Evolution of Photosynthesis
  • Carbon Fixation and Central Carbon Metabolism

The winners of Agrisera Best Talk Prizes, and a free antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog, were: 

Dr. Asmit Bhowmick from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Grad student Albert Liu from University of California Davis

Awaiting your free antibody choices!
Awardess of Agrisera best talk prize at WPC2023

Read more 2023-05-03

Convenient sets of antibodies for Arabidopsis research

For your convenience, chosen Agrisera antibodies can be purchased as sets at very favorabe pricing. The sets also include high-titer matching secondary antibodies, which can be used at 1: 25 000 1h/RT incubation, and Agrisera's ECL reagents, which offer versatile detection.

Agrisera offers the following antibody sets: 

Educational antibody set for photosynthesis | Photosynthesis Tool kit – quantitation (includes standards for quantification of PSI and PSII) | Oxidative stress antibody set | Argonaute antibody set | Rubisco quantitation set (for Western blot or ELISA) | Plant Cell Compartment Antibody Marker Set for 3, 5 or 10 marker antibodies of your choice.

You are always welcome to suggest a new antibody set to us!

 Example of Agrisera Antibody Set

An example of Agrisera Antibody Set, including high-titer matching secondary antibodies and ECL reagent. 

Read more 2023-05-03

Agrisera Best Poster Prizes at ASPB Northeastern Section 2023 Meeting

Agrisera supported the ASPB Northeastern Section 2023 Meeting, held between the 22nd and 23rd of April, 2023, in SUNY Old Westbury, USA. The meeting was organized ny Prof. Christos Noutsos.

The winners of Agrisera Best Poster Prizes, and a free antibody each from the Agrisera catalog, were:

Cassandra Probert from Samuel Hazen’s Lab at the University of Massachusetts, with the poster "BdSND2R is a transcriptional repressor that forms a negative feedback loop with SWAM1 to control secondary wall thickening in Brachypodium distachyon"


Alaa Mohamed Elsaeed Hassan Elminisy from Om Prakash Dhankher lab at  the University Massachusetts Amherst, with the poster "Molecular and Biochemical studies on the interaction between cucumber and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) under Cadmium (Cd) Stress".

We are awaiting your free antibody choice!
 Awardees of Agrisera Best Poster Prize at ASPB Northeastern Section 2023 Meeting
Left to right: Cassandra Probert, Professor Christos Noutsos and Alaa M. El-Minis.

Read more 2023-04-27

Comprehensive collection of antibodies to Arabidopsis thaliana proteins involved in photosynthesis

Antibodies to Arabidopsis thaliana proteins involved in photosynthesis are a core collection of the Agrisera catalog. This group of products has been developed in collaboration with research laboratories worldwide, for the last 20 years. Agrisera photosynthetic antibodies have the following features:

  • Developed to well-conserved peptides, which allows for broad species reactivity
  • Can be used at high dilutions, which allows many tests to be conducted
  • Validated in independent laboratories, with appropriate sets of endogenous samples (no recombinant protein validation only)
  • Available since the year 2000, meaning this collection is prided by an extensive publication record
  • For your convenience, some of the antibodies to major photosynthetic proteins, are put together into sets, at discounted pricing. In some cases, these are also accompanied by quantitation standards, to allow estimation of PSI/PSII ratio.

Beside antibodies, Agrisera has also developed Educational Posters on Photosynthesis, that are engaging and packed with up-to-date information. These posters are available for download, and as hard copies that can be requested here. Each poster was created in consultation with leading researchers from the scientific community, and the information in the posters is updated regularly. Specific figures and schemes from the posters are available free of charge for download, to be used in publications and presentations.

 Thylakoid membrane

Read more 2023-04-27

Agrisera Best Poster Prize at the conference of Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB)

Agrisera supported the 24th conference of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB), held between the 13th and 15th of April, 2023, in Hall in Tirol, Austria. The event was organized by the Department of Botany of the University of Innsbruck.

The 24th conference of the ATSPB was dedicated to the importance of plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change. The Agrisera Best Poster Prize was awarded to Paraskevi Charalambous, from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria, for the poster "Dissolving and Reshaping Walnut Shells: A Sustainable Material Solution?".

Awaiting your free antibody choice!
   Agrisera prize at ATSPB conference 2023
In the picture: Paraskevi Charalambous (left) and Prof Ilse Kranner, Conference President (right).

Read more 2023-04-19

New species reactivity added for anti-PsbO antibodies

Anti-PsbO antibodies, product number: AS06 142-33, detect a PsbO protein in a wide range of different species.

Recently, reactivity on a new species, Eucalyptus grandis, has been experimentally confirmed using the following protocol:

13.5 µg/well of total protein extracted freshly from Eucalyptus sp. leaves.  Exact buffer components were:  50 mM HEPES NaOH pH 8.0, 5mM DTT, 15 mM NaHCO3, 20 mM MgCl2, 2 mM EDTA, 4% (v/v) EDTA- free protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche Diagnostics), 4% PVPP (w/v), 20% glycerol (v/v), 1:1 Tris-buffered phenol (v/v) and 100 mM CH3COONa in methanol. Extracts were denatured with SDS beta-Mercaptoethanol sample buffer for 10 min at 90°C. Samples were separated at RT on 12% SDS-PAGE and blotted for 1 h to PVDF, using wet transfer at room temperature (RT). Blot was blocked with 5% non-fat milk for 1 h at RT with agitation. Blot was incubated in the primary antibody at a dilution of 1:5000 for 1 h at RT with agitation in TBS-T. The antibody solution was decanted, and the blot was rinsed briefly twice, then washed three times for 10 min with TBS-T at RT with agitation. Blot was incubated in matching secondary antibody (anti-rabbit IgG HRP, Agrisera AS09 602) diluted to 1: 10000 in TBS-T for 1 h at RT with agitation. The blot was washed as above and developed with a following chemiluminescent detection reagent. Exposure time was 12 min.
   Anti-PsbO antibodies with reactivity to Eucalyptus

1: 13.5 µg of Eucalyptus grandis whole leaf extract clone one (g1)
4: 13.5 µg of Eucalyptus grandis whole leaf extract clone two (g2)
6: 13.5 µg of one clone Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus camaldulensis whole leaf extract (gc)
8: 13.5 µg of one clone Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus tereticornis whole leaf extract (gt)

Presented data courtesy of Ing. Agr. MSc. Matías Nión from Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Agronomía, UdelaR. Montevideo, Uruguay.

Read more 2023-04-17

How to choose the correct antibody?

With millions of antibodies offered worldwide, by hundreds of suppliers, it may be a bit overwhelming, especially for beginners, to choose the correct antibody to answer a specific questions in a research project. Here is a short checklist with what to pay attention to:

Species reactivity – Has the antibody been used to detect the protein from the species we are working with? If not, a request should be sent to the supplier to confirm if the antibody may have so-called predicted reactivity to the target protein. If not, the antibody is not suitable, and false positive results can be produced.  

Validation data – Is validation data available on a product information sheet? For non-essential proteins, validation data should include results obtained with knockdown or knockout mutants. Western blot results showing that an antibody binds to a recombinant protein, are not relevant to the binding in a specific sample, extracted from a specific tissue or organism. Here we explain why.

Application – If the antibody has only been used in Western blot, it may not work in immunoprecipitation or immunolocalization. Each of these techniques requires separate validation data.

Recommended antibody dilution – The lower the dilution, the fewer tests can be conducted using an antibody. Here we explain why

Publication record – Being citet in scientific articles definitely confirms the performance of a given antibody. However, as there is no worldwide standard, product numbers are oftentimes not included in the "Material and Method" section. This makes it difficult to identify what antibody has been used to obtain the presented results. How to cite antibodies in scientific publication, is explained in this short video.

  Primary antibody

You are always welcome to contact us with any questions, and we will promplty help you to find the best antibody for your specific species and application. 

Read more 2023-04-14

Agrsera Best Poster Awards at the 19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology

The 19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology (IWPMB) took place Taipei, Taiwan, between 27th and 31st of March. This meeting has been organized since 1968 and covers topics related to membrane transport in the context of signaling, physiology, biotic and abiotic stresses and development. 

Agrisera supported the meeting with two Best Poster Prizes.

The Best Poster Prizes were awarded for the scientific poster contribution of Huimin Feng from Nanjing Agricultural University, the poster title was "P02-11 Strigolactone and gibberellin signalling coordinately regulates metabolic adaptations to changes in nitrogen availability",

and Dr. Swee-Suak Ko from Academia Sinica, Biotechnology Center in Southern Taiwan with the poster "P11- 11 Redefine the Role of OsPHO1;2 Phosphate Transporter in Rice Grain Filling".
We are awaring your free antibody choices! Good luck with your research! 

Agrisera Best Poster Award at 19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology

Read more 2023-04-14

Marker antibodies for Arabidopsis thaliana cellular compartments

Well-validated antibodies to specific cellular compartments are crucial to support data regarding localization studies of novel proteins. Agrisera's Cellular compartment antibody collection contains of marker antibodies to:

Cell wall
| Chloroplast | Cytoplasm | Microsomal membranes | Mitochondria | Nuclei | Peroxisomes | Plasma membrane | Vacuole

Agrisera compartment marker antibodies have been used in in a wide range of publications over the last 15 years. For many compartments we offer several antibodies, to proteins of different molecular weight, to match your experimental requirements.

Not certain which compartment marker antibody to choose? Ask Agrisera's techincal staff for an advice.  

Until end of June 2023, Agrisera Antibody Collection for Arabidopsis thaliana is provided with a 10% discount


Read more 2023-04-06

The winner of the Agrisera Quiz conducted during a biochemistry course lecture at Umeć University

Our warmest congratulations to master student Karolina Todorska, who scored a 9/9 in the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot quiz, part 1 and part 2!

The quiz was a part of Agrisera's lecture on Western blot, conducted by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund on the 29th of March, as part of the course "Biochemistry: Protein Separation Methods and Analytical Techniques", held at The Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden.

As the prize, Karolina received the book "Photosynthesis – Solar Energy for Life" by Dr. Dmitry Shevela, Prof. Lars Olof Björn, Prof. Govindjee.

Good luck with your studies!
  The winner of Agrisera Quiz during a lecture on biochemistry course at Umeå University

Read more 2023-03-31

Agrisera Antibodies for Arabidopsis research

Agrisera offers an extensive and well-published collection of antibodies to support research on the biology of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

Advantages of this collection include:

  • Validation data, often provided with Agrisera high-titer matching secondary antibodies and outstanding detection reagents
  • Antibodies detecting proteins involved in various processes, and specific cellular compartments (compartment markers)
  • Extensive publication record. Some of Agrisera antibodies have been available for over 20 years.
  • Minimal lot-to-lot variation
  • Provided in a safe and economical format (lyophilized) for environmentally-friendly shipments that do not require heavy packages or dry ice
  • Prompt technical support

Find a matching antibody to a gene ID | Complete list of antibodies with confirmed and predicted reactivity to Arabidopsis thaliana | Examples of publications with Agrisera Antibodies | Benefit from a 10% discount until end of June with the discount code Arabi10

Marker antibodies for Arabidopsis thaliana cellular compartments

Extensive collection of antibodies to Arabidopsis thaliana proteins involved in photosynthesis

Extensive collection of antibodies to Arabidopsis thaliana proteins involved in a stress response

Agrisera Antibodies for Arabidopsis research
Agrisera's Arabidopsis thaliana antibodies are suitable for a wide range of techniques, including immunofluorescence, ChIP, IP and Western Blot. Over 100 antibodies are available free of charge for testing, in return for results. Check the list here

Read more 2023-03-30

Agrisera participates in Job Fair at Umeć University

On the 28th of March, Agrisera participated in a Job Fair at Umeå University. The event is organized annually by Umeå Biotech Incubator, with the aim to connect students and potential new work places within the Life Science sector in Umeå. 
A warm thank you to all the students who came by and asked us interesting questions. We do hope that you see Agrisera as an attractive future workplace!
 Agrisera at Job Fair at Umeå University
Agrisera Laboratory Technician Marcus Boman and Product Developer Evelina Höök represented Agrisera at the Job Fair.
Read more 2023-03-28

Agrisera Western blot workshop at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology

On the 24th of March, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, conducted an online workshop for researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm, Germany. The title of the workshop was "Western blot - a technique possible to optimize".

The workshop was almost 2 hours long, including a 10 minutes break for the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes and coffee. Questions submitted by attendees were answered, and many pitfalls of the Western blot technique were discussed, with specific experimental examples. 

Participants also had a chance to win Agrisera high titer secondary antibodies and 2 ECL reagents, in two quizzes, consisting of questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as a pdf of Agrisera's Western blot guide

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, do not hesitate to contact us!

Agrisera Workshop at Max Planck, Germany
Feedback from one of the participants:

Thank you very much for the workshop! I myself learned quite some additional things, I didn’t know before. And I talked to some of my colleagues just now and they also really liked your workshop. Thanks also for providing the pdf, I will send them to the participants!

I really enjoyed your presentation and I can see how dedicated you are about western blots, it was really great to listen to you!
Read more 2023-03-24

Why do we recommend to use Agrisera secondary antibodies together with Agrisera primary antibodies?

Agrisera offers a wide range of high-titer secondary antibodies, for detection of primary antibodies from different hosts, like goat, llama, mouse, rabbit, rat and many more.

Our secondary antibodies have the following features: 
  • High sensitivity
  • High average dilution antibody can be used at
  • Long-term stability
  • Superior lot-to-lot consistency
  • Most of Agrisera primary antibodies were validated in pair with Agrisera secondary antibodies 
This means that we can offer you a working antibody pair to secure success of your Western blot experiment. 
 Agrisera high titer secondary antibodies

Read more 2023-03-24

Agrisera Best Poster Prize at 20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Society for Plant Sciences

The 20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Society for Plant Sciences took place in the historical Rosensäle in Jena, Germany, March 12th-15th, 2023.

Agrisera supported the meeting with the Best Poster Prize ("1. Posterpreis der Sektion Phykologie"), the winner och which was selected by a Phycology Jury.

The Best Poster Prize was awarded to the scientific poster contribution of Trang Vuong, entitled "Life of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in a 3-D structured environment", authored by Trang Vuong¹, Ece Kurtoglu¹, Volker Wagner¹, Somak Chowdhury², Ruchira Mukherji², Pierre Stallforth² and Maria Mittag¹.

¹Matthias Schleiden Institute, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Am Planetarium 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
²Department of Paleobiotechnology, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, Hans Knöll Institute (HKI), Beutenbergstraße 11a, 07745 Jena, Germany

Trang Vuong is a PhD student in the laboratory of Maria Mittag. She has a fellowship of the Carl Zeiss Foundation and is a student member of the DFG-financed Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse".
  Agrisera Best Poster Prize at The 20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Society for Plant Sciences

Poster price award, 1st place. From left to right: Trang Vuong, Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger. Photograph by: PD Dr. Volker Wagner

Read more 2023-03-21

Agrisera reagents for successful protein detection in Western blot

Agrisera supports protein detection in your laboratory with tailored reagents with the following features: 
  • High sensitivity
  • Long-term stability
  • Suitable for PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes
  • Superior lot-to-lot consistency
  • Competitive pricing

For chemiluminescent detection of the activity of HRP (Horseradish Peroxidase enzyme), coupled to a secondary antibody, we recommend using:
AgriseraECL Bright (AS16 ECL-N), for low pico to mid-femtogram detection (for proteins of medium and high expression), or the enhanced AgriseraECL SuperBright (AS16 ECL-S), for extreme low femtogram detection (for proteins of low expression). Both reagents are provided in one set and if one of ECL is not sensitive enough, or there is too much background, the membrane can be washed and developed again, as described here

For laboratories without a CCD camera, visualization of the target protein can be made using so-called chromogenic detection with Agrisera BCIP/NBT ALP Substrate (AS19 BCIP-NBT) or Agrisera BCIP/NBT Plus ALP Substrate solution (AS19 BCIP-NBT-PLUS). In this case, the secondary antibody is conjugated to an enzyme called ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase). The reaction is visualized directly on the membrane through color development, and the membrane can be stored in the lab book for a future reference. This detection system is not appropriate for proteins of low expression, or to detect protein modifications, such as phosphorylation. 
 Agrisera reagents for protein visualization in Western blot technique

Read more 2023-03-17

Agrisera supported the 20th Scientific Conference of the Phycological Section of the German Botanical Society

The 20th Scientific Conference of the Phycological Section of the German Botanical Society took place between 12th and 15th of March in Jena, Germany. 

The talks covered various aspects of algal biology, including biotic interactions, algal ecology, perception of abiotic factors, applied phycology, algal physiology and algal tool box.

Agrisera supported the conference with The Best Poster Prize and free copies of Agrisera's Educational Posters, focused on photosynthesis. 
 Agrisera Educational Posters

Read more 2023-03-17

Advantages of Agrisera secondary antibodies labelled with ALP and HRP

Agrisera secondary antibodies, conjugated to HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) and ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) enzymes, are high-performance antibodies that can be used in high dilution, up to 1: 100 000.

This means that 1 mg of a given antibody will allow quite a number of experiments to be conducted. 

The most common mistake is comparing secondary antibody pricing between various suppliers, when antibody performance is the actual key. Using secondary antibodies in high dilutions also minimizes potential background issues.

Agrisera secondary antibodies are high-performing and price-worthy, delivered in an environmentally-friendly way without dry ice, which is costly to produce and transport.

You are welcome to check the stock balance of any secondary antibody you need, at any time, here. For the secondary antibodies that are not in stock, the delivery time is around 5-10 business days.

During the entirety of 2023, all Agrisera secondary antibodies labelled with ALP and HRP are provided with a 10% discount. Use discount code Conj10

 Agrisera Antibody Performance
Agrisera antibodies perform above market average in terms of dilution.

Read more 2023-03-10

Quantify GlnA enzyme in samples from wide range of organisms

Glutamine synthetase GlnA is the key enzyme in the incorporation of mineral nitrogen into glutamine. The activity of this enzyme is controlled by adenylarion under conditions of abundant glutamine.

Agrisera Global GlnA antibodies are reactive to this enzyme from the following species, as confirmed experimentally: Deinococcus radioduransm Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942, Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803, Trichodesmium IMS

Beyond this, reactivity is predicted to the following species, based on sequence homology: Alpha, beta, gamma proteobacteria, Arthropsira sp. PCC 8005, Crenarchaeotes, Enterobacteria,  Escherichia coli, Euryarchaeotes, Thermotogales

Confirmed and predicted reactivity is explained further here

By using GlnA Global antibodies, combined with GlnA protein standard it is possible to quantify GlnA using quantitative Western blot, described here, and in this video tutorial.

Until end of March 2023, both products are offered with a 20% discount
Quantify GlnA enzyme in a wide range of samples
3 µg of total protein from Trichodesmium IMS 101 extracted with Agrisera Protein Extration Buffer (AS08 300) (1-8) and GlnA protein standard 0.3, 0.15, 0.07 pmol (9-11) were used to visualise and quantite GlnA.

Read more 2023-03-03

Over 300 new publications added to product information sheets

Agrisera's product information sheets contain the most up-to-date information about:

Just in the year 2022, we have added 305 selected citations to our product information sheets. 

New information is updated on a weekly basis, to provide you with the most up-to-date product information sheets. In case of any questions, you are always welcome to contact Agrisera Support

 Scientific references for Agrisera products

Read more 2023-02-24

Agrisera at INUPRAG 2023 meeting

Between the 21st and 23rd of February, Agrisera participated in the 3rd INUPRAG symposium, held in Umeå, Sweden. This is a meeting of researchers from three collaborating institutions, namely Umeå Plant Science Centre (Sweden), INRAE (France) and CRAG (Spain). 

150 researchers, 34 posters and wide range of research topics:
  • Plant cell wall properties and dynamics
  • Epigenetic regulation
  • Population genetics
  • Omics approaches
  • Plant nutrition
  • Development and Signaling
  • Response to mechanical stress
  • Adaptation to abiotic stress 

Agrisera contributed with The Best Poster Prize, awarded to Dr. Marti Quevedo, former post doc in Dr. Åsa Strand group at UPSC. The poster title was: "Chloroplast retrograde signals modulate chromatin dynamics during plant greening". 

Thank you for interesting discussions, suggestions and ideas!

 Agrisera at INUPRAG 2023 meeting

Read more 2023-02-24

Quantitate NifH enzyme in samples from a wide range of organisms

Nitrogenase NifH is involved in the biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia. Alternative protein names are Nitrogenase component II, Nitrogenase Fe protein, Nitrogenase reductase, and FeMoCo-nitrogenase.

Agrisera Global anti-NifH antibodies are reactivie to this enzyme from the following species, as confirmed experimentally: Anabaena PCC7120, Clostridium butyricum, Codakia orbicularis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CS-505, Dolichospermum sp., Nostoc sp, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Trichodesmium sp., nodules of Trifolium repens L., Vibrio natriegens ATCC 14048

Beyond this, reactivity is predicted to the following species, based on sequence homology: Azotobacter vinelandii (Gram-), Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Cyanobacteria, Cyanothece ATCC51142, Desulfotomaculum reducens (strain MI-1), Clostridium cellobioparum, Enterobacter, genera,  euryachaeotes, Klebsiella pneumonia, Magnetococcus sp., Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, Methanococcus maripaludis, Methylobacterium sp., Mesoorhizobium loti, Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 strain, alpha, gamma, beta proteobacteria, enterobacteria, low GC gram+, high GC gram+, able to fix atmoshperic nitrogen, Rhizobium meliloti

Confirmed and predicted reactivity is explained further here

By using NifH antibodies, combined with NifH protein standard it is possible to quantify the enzyme using quantitative Western blot, described here, and in this video tutorial.

Until end of March 2023, both products are offered with a 20% discount
  Quantification of NifH enzyme in samples from a wide range of organisms

Total Trichodesmium sp. protein extract (lanes 6-11, 80 pmol chlorophyll loaded) extracted with PEB (AS08 300), and NifH protein standard (lanes 1-5, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 0.75 and 1.5 pmol standard loaded)

Read more 2023-02-17

Agrisera supported Molecular Biology of Plants 2023 meeting

The 36th conference Molecular Biology of Plants, organized by the Section Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Germany Society for Plant Sciences took place the 6th-9th of February, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The organizers were Prof. Dr. Ute Höcker (Köln), Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer (Bonn), and Prof. Dr. Marcel Quint (Halle).

Agrisera supported the meeting with The Best Poster Prize, a quiz on antibodies and Western blot, as well as hard copies of the Agrisera Educational Posters. The Best Poster Prize with the title "Shade signals as essential components of host detection in the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris" was awarded to Dr. Beatrix Enderle, a postdoc in Prof. Hiltbrunner Lab at the University of Freiburg, Germany.

The winner of Agrisera Antibody Quiz was PhD student Srijana Raj from the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. She will receive Agrisera high-titer secondary antibodies, goat anti-rabbit IgG, HRP conjugated, to be used at 1: 25 000 1h/RT, and a set with two ECL reagents of mid picogram and extreme low femtogram detection.

Thank you all who participated!
  Awardee of Agrisera Best Poster Prize at MBP2023

Read more 2023-02-17

IncuBlocker - efficient way to shorten Western blot time

Agrisera IncuBlocker is an "all in one" set for fast Western blot processing. The whole process takes place in a single step, as blocking, as well as primary and secondary antibody binding, occur simultaneously, followed by a wash step with included buffer. Depending on the titer of the primary antibody, it can be re-used up to 5 times (not recommended for quantification work). This means that the processing time can be shortened considerably, to 1.5 hour. 

Add your primary antibody and use your choice of chemiluminescence or chromogenic method to visualize the reaction. 

The set is provided for primary antibodies developed in chicken, mouse and rabbit, and is recommended for antibodies to proteins of high and moderate expression.

How to know the expression levels of your target protein?
Check in the Protein Abundance Database.
 IncuBlocker application example

The example above shows how the signal with a primary antibody can be visualized using IncuBlocker. No washes in between, as blocking and primary and secondary antibody incubationsn are done in one step. 

Read more 2023-02-10

Awardees of Agrisera Prizes at UCMR Day 2023

On the 19th of January, the 14th UCMR Day 2023 took place at Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, Umeå University. The meeting had outstanding talks and poster presentations, giving the possibility to present specific projects in the form of elevator talks. 

There were 50 poster presentations at the conference. A jury selected the top three posters, which were awarded prizes sponsored by UCMR and Agrisera.

Congratulations to these three articulate and ambitious researchers!
1. Winner of the best poster reward: PhD student Sandra Holmberg
2. Second place, the best poster: Dr. Dale Corkery
3. Third place, the best poster: Tom Guest

The winners are awarded an antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog.

Congratulations and awaiting your free antibody choice!
  Agrisera supports UCMR Day 2023 at Umeå Univrersity

Read more 2023-02-10

Highly performing matching secondary antibody for Agrisera rabbit primary antibodies

Agrisera goat anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies, conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP), perform in dilution > 1: 25 000 in Western blot and ELISA, which is supported by a long list of publications.

As this anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody performs in high dilutions, it offers advantages to other secondary antibodies in terms of minimizing background signal, and the number of experiments it can be used for. This makes it very economical, and strengthens experimental reproducibility.

Additionally, this antibody is provided in lyophilized format, which makes shipment economical and environmentally friendly, as there is no need to include dry ice. Shipments are done at ambient temperature, with perserved antibody performance, which has been tested and evaluated over the last 20 years.

Until the end of 2023, this product is offered at a 10% discount using the discount code: Conj10.

Agrisera high titer goat anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP
To the product: 1 mg or trial size.

Read more 2023-02-03

One set, two ECL reagents with different sensitivities, helps with versatile detection

Agrisera outstanding ECL reagents

A given laboratory may aim to detect different proteins of varied expression levels, in the tissue being analyzed. Agrisera offers a unique pack of combined reagents, with two different sensitivities. This allows more versatile detection, of high and medium abundancy proteins (Agrisera ECLBright), as well as low abundancy proteins (AgriseraECL SuperBright). Depending on the target protein that we aim to detect, different detection reagent needs to be used, and Agrisera offers this possibility provided in the same set

In the example above, the aim was to detect a highly abundant photosynthetic protein, PsbA. Using Agrisera anti-PsbA antibodies (AS05 084), a matching secondary antibodies of high titer, goat anti-rabbit, HRP-conjugated (AS09 602) and Agrisera ECL reagent of extreme low femtogram detection range (AgriseraECLSuperBright), resulted in prominently increased background signal. Choosing the other reagent, provided in the Agrisera ECL set, gave the possibility to optimize the result in a very swift manner. There is no need to repeat the whole procedure, as the membrane can be subjected to a wash and developed with less sensitive ECL. It is oftentimes not the primary antibody that contributes to increased background, but rather high load/well, combined with a too sensitive detection reagent.

We are always keen to discuss your results and advice promptly. Contact Agrisera support either using a chat button on the website or by email to [email protected]

Read more 2023-01-27

Agrisera Western blot workshop at Wrocław University

On the 23rd of January, Agrisera conducted the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize" for researchers and students at the Department of Biological Sciences, Wrocław University, Poland. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. The meeting gathered 80 participants and was 2 hours long. During the break, the attendees could participate in a quiz, and had a chance to win two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL), or a book on photosynthesis. All attendees are very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions you may have in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters, educational posters and pens were offered to all who attended.  

Thank you for your particiption and valuable insights!
   Agrisera Western blot workshop at Wrocław University

Read more 2023-01-25

Take an advantage of high performing price-worthy Agrisera secondary antibodies

Secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) and ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) enzymes are most frequently used to visualize target proteins in Western blot, ELISA and immunolocalization. When using secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP, the detection is performed using chemiluminescence (recorded by a CCD camera or another imager), which gives high sensitivity and good resolution in both Western blot and chemiluminescent ELISA. When using antibodies conjugated to ALP, visualization of the antibody binding to the target is achieved using chromogenic reagents, and no CCD camera is necessary.  

Agrisera's secondary antibody collection is composed of over 220 antibodies; both highly purified and available in a basic format, suitable for Western blot, as well as adsorbed to serum from a wide range of animal species, suitable for immunolocalization and ELISA. Based on the analysis of antibody performance in available publications, conducted by CiteAB, it became very clear that Agrisera secondary antibodies are performing above market average. This means that Agrisera secondary antibodies conjugated to ALP or HRP can be used at high dilutions and are price-worthy reagents, and will provide you with a consistent performance over many experiments.



We are always eager to provide prompt advice on which Agrisera secondary antibody is best suited for the experiments you aim to perform.

Contact us at
[email protected]!

Read more 2023-01-24

Fourth anniversary of the plant community resource - The Global Plant Events Calendar

4th Anniversar of the Global Plant Events Calendar

The Global Plant Events Calendar was initiated on January 2nd, 2019 as a mutual effort of Plantae and Agrisera, to provide the plant community with a comprehensive list of worldwide events. Over the last four years, hundreds of various events have been listed in the calendar, making it easy for plant researchers to receive a quick overview of available events. The calendar lists conferences and meetings held in person, as well as online events, webinars and workshops on different topics relevant to plant biology. 

Today, The Global Plant Events Calendar is the most comprehensive list of worldwide events for the plant community.

If you are not familiar with the calendar, this short video will show you how to use it. You are welcome to submit a meeting you are organizing!

Stay informed! Follow the calendar on Twitter @PlantSciEvents
Read more 2023-01-20

Agrisera Western blot workshop, at the Institute of Experimental Cell Biology, UAM, Poznań, Poland

On the 18th of January, Agrisera conducted the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize" for researchers and students at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. The meeting, 2 hours long, was interactive, with lots of valuable questions. During the break, the attendees could participate in a quiz, and had a chance to win two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL), or a book on photosynthesis. All attendees are very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions you may have in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters, educational posters and pens were offered to all who attended.  

Thank you for your particiption and valuable insights!
   Agrisera Western blot workshop, Institute of Experimental Cell Biology, UAM Poznan, Poland

Read more 2023-01-19

Take advantage of broad species reactivity of Agrisera antibodies to enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism

Broad species reactivity

Agrisera antibodies to enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism have the following, unique features:
  • Broad species reactivity, including both di- and monocols and microalgae
  • Can be used in dilutions of >1: 1000 in Western blot
  • Extensive publication record
  • Promptly and environmentally-friendly delivery

Nitrogen metabolism is one of the fundamental processes in plants, as nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamines, alkaloids and even some growth hormones. Agrisera's nitrogen metabolism antibody collection targets key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in plants.

Antibodies to enzymes involved in plant and algal nitrogen metabolism

Browse the whole colleaction here.

Whole collection is offered with a 20% discount until end of March. Discount code is Nitro20

Read more 2023-01-13

Agrisera participates and supports conferences in 2023

Agrisera will participate in the following meetings in 2023:

3rd INUPRAG Symposium on Integrative Plant Biology, 21st-22nd of February, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden
The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 5th-9th of June, Chiba, Japan
Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and Nordic Algae Symposium, 19th-21st of June, Umeå, Sweden
Plant Biology Europe, 3rd-6th of July, Marseille, France
Plant Biology 2023 (ASPB), 5th-8th of August, Savannah, Georgia, USA
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
KBC Days 2023, November, Umeå University, Sweden 

Agrisera supports the following meetings in 2023:

Umeå Center for Microbial Research Day (UCMR Day 2023), 19th of January, Umeå University, Sweden
36th Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2023), 6th-9th of February, Bonn, Germany
20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section, 12th-14th of March, Jena, Germany
19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology, 27th-31st of March, Taipei, Taiwan
ATSPB 2023: Plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change, 13th-15th of April, Tirol, Austria
32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference, 28th-30th of April, Bodega Bay, California, USA
5th Conference of the International Plant Proteomics Organization, 22nd-25th of May, Thesaloniki, Greece
IPG 2023 Symposium - Redox Regulation of Plant Stress and Development, 23th - 26th of May, University of Missouri, USA
6th UNIGE PostDoc Day, 8th of June at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Chlamy2023, The 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, 4th-9th of June, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Plant Biology 2023, XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology, 9th-12th of July, Braga, Portugal
4th International Brassinosteroid Conference, 16th-18th of August, Ghent, Belgium
Plants and People, 6th-7th of September, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany
Research Day, 20th of September, Oslo, Norway
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
2nd International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB), 25th-30th of September, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
12th SPPS PhD conference PhD 101: Everything is hard before it gets easy, 27th-29th of September, Lund, Sweden
4th Annual Congress of Young Researchers (ACYR), 9th-10th of October, CRAG auditorium, Spain
49th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference, , 27th-29th of October, Turkey Run State Park, USA
The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), Eastern Regional Meeting, 1st-2nd of December, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Science Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

This community resource celebrates its 4h anniversary in January 2023. 

Read more 2023-01-02

Awardees of Agrisera Awards 2022

This year, Agrisera supported 25 worldwide meetings.

10 awardees can choose any free antibody from Agrisera's Antibody Collection and three copies of the book "Photosynthesis – Solar Energy for Life" were awarded to winners of the Agrisera Quiz.

Over 2000 of Agrisera Educational Posters were shipped worldwide, or distributed on conferences.

Hundreds of participants attended Agrisera's Western blot workshop, "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize", either in person or online. 

We are happy to contribute to the growth of the scientific community worldwide, and support meetings, workshops and conferences.

We hope to continue our support in 2023, and meet you at various events, either online or in person! 

 Awardess of Agrisera 2022

Coming conferences can be viewed in The Global Plant Events Calendar, supported by Agrisera and maintained by Plantae
Read more 2022-12-12

Agrisera Prize at Umeć Plant Science Centre 2022

Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Sara Raggi who received the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) Agrisera Prize 2022. Sara was awarded the prize to acknowledge her significant scientific contributions to plant cell and developmental research, as well as her commitment to creating a positive and collaborative work environment at UPSC. The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a person working at UPSC, and this year's prize was announced on the 7th of December during the virtual UPSC Christmas Celebration.

Sara Raggi started to work as a postdoc in Prof. Stéphanie Robert’s group at UPSC in 2016 after finishing her PhD. She is involved in many scientific projects and is a co-author of several articles. One of her main projects has been to develop an automated method to measure the angle of unbending Arabidopsis seedlings after germination. This method uses machine learning as basis for the image analysis, and was created together with an engineering master student who Sara supervised.

Besides her scientific achievements, Sara Raggi has been actively engaged in improving the work environment at UPSC. She is the postdoc representative, member of the greenhouse introduction team and has helped with outreach events. She has taken over responsibilities in different groups at UPSC, e.g. the gardening group, who set up boxes to grow vegetables in front of UPSC, and the "Greener UPSC" group that aims to promote sustainability at UPSC, and helps organize social events.

Every year, anyone working at UPSC can nominate a colleague for the award, and the prize is a travel voucher, sponsored by Agrisera. Based on the written nominations, the members of the UPSC board voted to select the winner. This year, the UPSC Board received 11 nomination letters for seven candidates. Sara was chosen as the winner based nomination letters emphasizing her teamwork skills, scientific excellence and contribution to making UPSC a great place to work.

 Agrisera Prize at Umeå Plant Science Centre 2022

In the image, left to right: Dr. Rikesh Bhalerao (UPSC), Dr. Sara Raggi (UPSC) and Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund (Agrisera).
"The prize gives us the opportunity to thank our personnel for their work and commitment. It is always very difficult to choose between the candidates, as they all highly deserve this prize," says Rishikesh Bhalerao who announced the winner of the prize this year.

Photo by Prof. Stephanie Robert.

Read more 2022-12-07

Agrisera Western blot workshop at KBC, Umeć University

Agrisera Western blot workshop at KBC, Umeå University
On the 22nd of November, the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize” was conducted for researchers from the Chemical Biological Center (KBC) and Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) at Umeå University by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. All who attended had the possibility to get answers to their questions about the Western blot technique, and to obtain new insights into the optimization of this complex technique. The workshop was two hours long, with a tea break and the possibility to participate in a quiz, with the prizes being Agrisera high-titer secondary antibodies and two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL). Each attendee is very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters and pens were offered to participants. Thank you to all who attended in person and online!
Read more 2022-11-24

Shipment days at the end of the year 2022

End of the year shipment dates from Agrisera 2022

Over the holidays, the Agrisera office will be open on all weekdays except the 26th of December and 6th of January.

The last day for shipments in 2022 will be on the 22nd of December. Shipments will resume on January 2nd 2023.

Happy Holidays!
Read more 2022-11-11
 Agrisera blog



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