Agrisera will participate in the following meetings in 2023:

3rd INUPRAG Symposium on Integrative Plant Biology, 21st-22nd of February, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden
The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 5th-9th of June, Chiba, Japan
Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and Nordic Algae Symposium, 19th-21st of June, Umeå, Sweden
Plant Biology Europe, 3rd-6th of July, Marseille, France
Plant Biology 2023 (ASPB), 5th-8th of August, Savannah, Georgia, USA
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
KBC Days 2023, November, Umeå University, Sweden 

Agrisera supports the following meetings in 2023:

Umeå Center for Microbial Research Day (UCMR Day 2023), 19th of January, Umeå University, Sweden
36th Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2023), 6th-9th of February, Bonn, Germany
20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section, 12th-14th of March, Jena, Germany
19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology, 27th-31st of March, Taipei, Taiwan
ATSPB 2023: Plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change, 13th-15th of April, Tirol, Austria
32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference, 28th-30th of April, Bodega Bay, California, USA
5th Conference of the International Plant Proteomics Organization, 22nd-25th of May, Thesaloniki, Greece
IPG 2023 Symposium - Redox Regulation of Plant Stress and Development, 23th - 26th of May, University of Missouri, USA
6th UNIGE PostDoc Day, 8th of June at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Chlamy2023, The 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, 4th-9th of June, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Plant Biology 2023, XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology, 9th-12th of July, Braga, Portugal
4th International Brassinosteroid Conference, 16th-18th of August, Ghent, Belgium
Plants and People, 6th-7th of September, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany
Research Day, 20th of September, Oslo, Norway
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
2nd International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB), 25th-30th of September, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
12th SPPS PhD conference PhD 101: Everything is hard before it gets easy, 27th-29th of September, Lund, Sweden
4th Annual Congress of Young Researchers (ACYR), 9th-10th of October, CRAG auditorium, Spain
49th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference, , 27th-29th of October, Turkey Run State Park, USA
The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), Eastern Regional Meeting, 1st-2nd of December, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Science Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

This community resource celebrates its 4h anniversary in January 2023. 

 Agrisera News

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