Agrisera News

20 % off for antibodies to proteins involved in electron transfer in photosynthesis

Electron transfer in the thylakoid membrane generates energy through the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The enzyme ATP synthase catalyzes the formation of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), using the proton gradient established across the membrane. Additionally, NADPH, produced during electron transfer, serves as a source of reducing power for the Calvin cycle, where carbon dioxide is fixed and converted into carbohydrates. This process in the thylakoid membrane plays a crucial role in harnessing light energy and converting it into chemical energy.

Agrisera's collection of antibodies to proteins involved in electron transfer offers you the following advantages:
  • Can be used at high dilutions
  • Broad species reactivity, including higher plants, mosses, algae, cyanobacteria and diatoms
  • Suitable for Western blot
  • Cited in hundreds of publications, over the last 20 years

Explore and pick up suitable antibodies here.
 Free scheme of thylakoid membrane
For more images of schemes and photosynthetic complexes, check free images for download here

Read more 2024-04-26

Get new tips and tricks for Western blot during Agrisera workshop on 16th of May at 11 am CET

Agrisera online Wstern blot workshop

Conducted by: Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Technical Support Manager from the Swedish company Agrisera
Duration: Approximately 2 hours, with Q&A sessions, and a break, during which you have the chance to win prizes in an online quiz. Western blot and antibody questions can be sent in advance to 
Technique: Western blot is used in laboratories working with protein detection in complex mixes, as well as protein quantification.
Suitable for: Beginners and experienced users of this technique, working various types of samples, including bacterial extracts, plant tissue and algal cell cultures.
About the presenter: Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Technical Support Manager at Agrisera, has been working with antibody validation for over 20 years, and has troubleshooted hundreds of blots, which has allowed her to gain extensive experience, and an overview on potential difficulties and ways to address them. She is responsible for technical support at Agrisera, and will be happy to share her knowledge during the workshop.
Provided materials:
• Certificate of participation
• Slides of the presentation in pdf format, with useful links
• Slides of the presentation in ppt format, for free use in teaching
• Recording of the workshop

Sign up for this free workshop by sending an email to!
Start: 11 am (Central European Time), 10 am (UK), 12 am (Helsinki)

Feedback from participants of previous workshops: 

"Thanks! It was a very nice and informative workshop :)" – Wageningen University & Research Laboratory of Biochemistry, The Netherlands.

"Thank you very much for the workshop! I myself learned quite some additional things, I didn’t know before. And I talked to some of my colleagues just now and they also really liked your workshop. Thanks also for providing the pdf, I will send them to the participants! I really enjoyed your presentation and I can see how dedicated you are about western blots, it was really great to listen to you!" – Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm, Germany. Read more feedback here 

Read more 2024-04-25

Detect and quantify Rubisco using antibodies with 20 years of publication record

Rubisco (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of CO2 fixation in photosynthetic organisms. It is demonstrably homologous, from purple bacteria to flowering plants, and consists of two protein subunits, each present in 8 copies. In plants and green algae, the large subunit (~55 kDa) is coded by the chloroplast rbcL gene, and the small subunit (15 kDa) is coded by a family of nuclear rbcS genes.

There are the following advantages of using Agrisera antibodies to Rubisco:
  • Working in very high dilutions, 1: 10 000 1h/RT incubation
  • Broad species reactivity, including higher plants, mosses, algae, cyanobacteria and diatoms. One and the same antibody will detect and quantify Rubisco in thousands of species
  • Suitable for Western blot, immunolocalization and tissue printing
  • Possibility of quantification in quantitative Western blot and ELISA
  • Cited in hundreds of publications, over the last 20 years

In the recent publication by Nuamzanei et al. (2024). "Impact of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) microplastic on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient uptake of Solanum lycopersicum L. (Tomato)", was investigated, using anti-RbcL antibodies from Agrisera. 

Explore and pick up suitable antibodies or kits for the detection of the most abundant protein on Earth, Rubisco.
  Rubisco from I

For images of Rubisco, and schemes in which this protein is involved, check out our free images for download here

Read more 2024-04-19

Which secondary antibody to choose for Western blot for protein detection in plant and algal samples?

A matching secondary antibody, that can be used at high dilutions, will contribute to good Western blot results, with less risk for background signal. Beyond this, it can be used for many experiments, and is therefore very cost-efficient. The differences between secondary antibodies from various suppliers are discussed here.

Agrisera's primary antibodies are produced in chicken, goat, mouse, rabbit and rat. The following high-titer secondary antibodies are appropriate matches: 
At the bottom of each primary antibody product page, you will find a recommended secondary antibody to use with it. 

*This antibody is in the group of the most published antibodies in the world, based on publication record analyses performed by CiteAB.

  Agrisera secondary antibody

If you need advice on the choice of the most suitable secondary antibody for your experiments, please ask us, either through the chat on Agrisera website, or by email.

Read more 2024-04-17

Study Photosystem I with Agrisera comprehensive antibody set

Over the last 20 years, Agrisera has developed antibodies to study Photosystem I (PSI). This protein complex plays a central role in the conversion of light energy into chemical energy, in the form of ATP and NADPH. This energy is then used to power the biochemical reactions of photosynthesis, and ultimately produce carbohydrates. Agrisera antibodies specifically targeting PSI components can help accurately identify and quantify these proteins in plant, algal and diatom samples. This enables comparative studies, and facilitates the understanding of photosynthetic processes across a wide taxonomic range.

Agrisera PSI antibodies can be applied in:

Western blotting to detect the presence of PSI subunits in plant, algae and diatom samples, which will help in understanding the expression levels of PSI proteins under different experimental conditions.

• Immunofluorescence and Immunohistochemistry to visualize the spatial distribution of PSI within plant and algal cells to study the subcellular localization of PSI and its dynamics under various physiological conditions.

• Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) to identify protein-protein interactions involving PSI subunits or associated proteins. to determine the molecular interactions and protein complexes involved in PSI function and regulation.

Agrisera PSI antibodies will help determine the impact of genetic mutations on PSI function and assembly.

Browse the full collection
    Free image of photosystem I

Agrisera PSI antibodies serve as valuable tools for investigating various aspects of PSI structure, function, and regulation in photosynthetic organisms. You can rely on the strong publication record for these antibodies.

Choose a set of PSI antibodies for your studies: 

PsaB | PsaD | PsaC | PsaEPsaA | PsaK | PsaN | PsaL | PsaF | PsaH | PsaG | PsaO

Read more 2024-04-14

10% discount in return for feedback

Agrisera offers a 10% discount on any product from our catalog, in return for a short note left on the specific product page. 

Example of product reviews:

Product reviews

To leave a review:
  • Go to the product page for an Agrisera antibody or reagent you have previously used
  • Find the tab "Reviews"
  • Click on "Leave a review"
  • Write your short comment, including details like: type of extract, technique, dilution and overall result obtained with this product
  • Save your comment

Once the review is submitted, contact us at and you will be granted a 10% discount on your next order. 

Thank you!

Read more 2024-04-12

Agrisera supports Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference 2024

Agrisera supports the Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference 2024, held between 12th and 14th of April, at The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA, USA.

The conference program will includes the following topics:

• Mechanism of Light Harvesting and Regulation
• Light Driven Reactions
• Carbon Fixation and Concentration
• Evolution and Applications of Photosynthesis

Agrisera Educational Posters
, focused on photosynthesis, will be available as hard copies for the meeting participants. Agrisera will also conduct an online quiz, with the first prize being the book Photosynthesis: Solar Energy for Life, by Dr. Dmitry Shevela, Prof. Lars Olof Björn, Prof. Govindjee.

Free image of PSII
The above image, and many other images and schemes by Scigrafik and Agrisera, can be downloaded for free here.


Read more 2024-04-12

Most published photosynthetic antibodies, 20 % off until end of June 2024

Agrisera's antibody collection to proteins involved in photosynthesis has been developed over the last 20 years, in close collaboration with researches in the field, from all around the world.

The collection contains antibodies targeting proteins from the following groups: 

ATPsynthase | Carotenoid metabolism | Chaperones/Transporters | Chloroplast biogenesis/architecture | Chlorophyll | Green Cut | LHC | Light acclimation | Kinases | PSI (Photosystem I) | PSII (Photosystem II) | Proteases | Protein standards-quantitation | Rubisco/Carbon metabolism | Sucrose metabolism

Each year, hundreds of publications are published, using these antibodies, which makes them the most used photosynthetic antibodies on the market. Agrisera antibodies place 31st of over 250 catalog antibody suppliers, based on publication record, not limited to plant science.

Photosynthesis leaf

For 20% discount for antibodies to proteins involved in photosynthesis, use promotional code Photo20. Valid until end of June 2024.

Needed antibody not found in our collection? Contact us!

Read more 2024-04-05
 Agrisera News


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