Agrisera News

How to cite the antibodies used in scientific publications?

Agrisera antibodies in scientific publications

As more than half of the antibodies used in research cannot be properly identified, it is absolutely crucial to start including information in the documentation of scientific research, to allow antibody identification by researchers who want to repeat your experiments. Some journals provide a guideline for antibody citation, but unfortunately most of them do not. This vital issue is most often completely overlooked.

If there are no recommendations from the journal where you intend to publish your work, citing an antibody can be done in the following way: 

Antibody name, product number, (supplier name, country)

For example: Anti-RbcL, AS03 037 (Agrisera, Sweden)

We would like to encourage you to cite antibodies in a way that will allow their future identification. This is especially important for antibodies to tag proteins.

Good luck with your research!
Read more 2019-03-22

Agrisera celebrates The Best Plant Science Supplier of the year

Agrisera Celebrates at UPSC

During the afternoon coffee break at Umeå Plant Science Centre, Agrisera celebrated The Best Plant Science Supplier of the Year award, which we have recently received from CiteAB. This award is given based on the amount of publications, which are using Agrisera antibodies. Our photosynthetic antibody collection comes from a close collaboration with researchers from the centre over the last 20 years.

We brought famous Swedish cakes and fruits and free samples of Agrisera chemiluminescent detection reagents: 

Agrisera ECLBright (mid picogram detection range), suitable for proteins of moderate expression
Agrisera ECLSuperBright (extreme low femtogram detection range), pushing detection limits considerably, one of the most sensitive reagents available on the market!

We hope for many more years in echange of ideas and thank you for all your input so far!
Read more 2019-03-17

Agrisera visiting Umeå University

Agrisera visiting Umeå University, March 2019

On the 5th of March Agrisera visited the Molecular Biology department at Umeå University with a traditional Swedish "semletårta". 

We were happy to offer Agrisera ECL reagents samples:

Agrisera ECLBright (mid picogram detection range), suitable for proteins of moderate expression
Agrisera ECLSuperBright (extreme low femtogram detection range), pushing detection limits considerably, one of most sensitive reagents available on the market!

If you have not received your free ECL trial sample, do contact us for one!
Read more 2019-03-14

Agrisera's photosynthetic posters

Agriseras Photosynthetic Posters

Updated photosynthetic posters developed by Professor Govindjee, Professor Lars Olof Björn and  Dr Dmitry Shevela,are available in format A2 to decorate your office or lab wall.

Poster 1, gives a good overview on thylakoid membrane, while poster 2, is concentrating on dissecting Z scheme. According to feedback, which we have received, these posteres are a good and appreciated educational material. You are welcome to use them in your lectures and if you require, pdfs are available for download here.
Read more 2019-03-13

Unusual postcard for Finland

NPC14 post card

Today we have received this beautiful post card from Turku, from the organizers of the 14th Nordic Photosynthetic Congress, which Agrisera is supporting with The Best Talk prize. 

Come to Turku in spring and talk photosynthesis!
Agrisera sponsored, photosynthetic posters prepared by prof. Govindjee and Dr. Shevela are going to be availble as a take away, not to mention the Agrisera Western Blot trouble shooting brochure. 

And, do not forget to check for other plant events, by using The Global Plant Event Calendar!
Read more 2019-03-01
 Agrisera News


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