Chemiluminescent detection

Agrisera chemiluminescent substrates

Agrisera chemiluminescent detection reagents are developed using unique chemistry with low picogram to mid femtogram (AgriseraECL Bright) and extreme low femtogram detection levels (AgriseraECL SuperBright) and offer increased stability, 24 month shelf life and superior lot-to-lot consistency at a very competitive price.
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AS16 ECL-N-100 |  low pico to mid femtogram detection

111 €
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AS24 ECL-M-50
0 €
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AS16 ECL-S-100 | extreme low femtogram detection

156 €
Product no: AS18 PrimSecECL

This deal includes:
1. Primary antibody
2. Matching secondary antibody of high titer: Goat anti-rabbit, HRP conjugated (10 µl)
3. Two Agrisera chemiluminescence reagents, Agrisera ECL kit (Bright/SuperBright) trial pack
Low picogram (Agrisera Bright) and extreme low femtogram detection range (Agrisera SuperBright).
353 €