Agrisera Western blot workshop at KBC, Umeå University

Between the 8th and 9th of November, Agrisera attended the KBC Days, an annual interdisciplinary conference, taking place in person, after having been a digital event for the last two years. KBC is the Chemical Biological Center of Umeå University, and this year the center celebrated its 15-year anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, there was a photo contest with the title "KBC is...", where the participants were invited to share their vision of what KBC is for them. The main theme of the 2022 KBC Days conference was "Big data", and the talks from different areas discussed advantages and challenges of collecting, analyzing and interpreting big data. PhD students held 2 minute elevator picthes, presenting their work, accompanied by visual abstracts. The evaluation committee found it hard to choose only one winner of the Agrisera Best PhD Presentation Prize, and awarded two winners! Thank you to all who came by Agrisera's table to talk antibodies, collect Agrisera Educational Posters, and discuss new antibody ideas. It was great to be able to meet in person again, and we are already looking forward to the 2023 KBC Days! Agrisera will be holding the technical workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize" for KBC, on the 22nd of November, between 13.00 and 15.00, in person as well as online. If you are attending this workshop, you are welcome to send in your Western blot questions in advance! |
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