Agrisera Western blot workshop at KBC, Umeå University
On the 22nd of November, the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize” was conducted for researchers from the Chemical Biological Center (KBC) and Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) at Umeå University by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. All who attended had the possibility to get answers to their questions about the Western blot technique, and to obtain new insights into the optimization of this complex technique. The workshop was two hours long, with a tea break and the possibility to participate in a quiz, with the prizes being Agrisera high-titer secondary antibodies and two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL). Each attendee is very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters and pens were offered to participants. Thank you to all who attended in person and online!
 Agrisera News

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