The 8th of June is the international World Oceans Day. To celebrate, Agrisera is offering a 15% discount on all antibodies for important photosynthetic organisms of the oceans. These include cyanobacteria, diatoms, green algae such as Nannochloropsis and Chlamydomonas reinhardii, dinoflagellates that power coral photosynthesis, macrophyte algae such as porphyra, and marine plants, such as the sea grasses that shape coastal ecosystems. Agrisera's Global Antibodies product range is suitable for the detection of various proteins from these species. If your species of interest is not listed in the product information sheets, please inquire.
If algal cellular fraction purity needs to be confirmed, Agrisera offers a set of Algal Compartment Marker Antibodies. These antibodies can be matched to your specific experimental requirements.
Many of the antibodies in these collections have been used in diverse research projects for many years and have quite an extensive publication record.
If you cannot find a specific antibody needed for your research in the Agrisera Catalog, you are welcome to contact us. We are always looking for ideas to develop new antibodies or can tailor custom antibody production to your specific project.
Pictures of various species:
Diatoms and cyanobacteria - courtesy of Dr. Douglas Campbell
Nannochloropsis oceanica strain CCMP1779 - Christopher W. Gee, Ph.D. Niyogi Lab
Spirogyra, C. tumidulum and C.astroideum - Dr. Natalia Voronkina