Agrisera News

Agrisera Western blot workshop with BiotechnoLabs, Agrisera distributor in India

On January 30th, Agrisera conducted a free online Western blot workshop together with our distributor in India, BiotechnoLabs. The workshop was also opened for worldwide participation. We had the pleasure to connect with researchers from India, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and the UK.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast experience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop consisted of two parts, including a 10 minute break for coffee and the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes, which were very well attended. Many interesting questions were asked. 

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation, with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  

Agrisera online Western blot workshop

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!
 Some feedback we received after the workshop: 

"Many thanks for the wonderful presentation. We really enjoyed the informative presentation."

"Thank you again for the very Interesting and Informative Workshop. I would like to ask if It would be possible for me to receive the PowerPoint, since it was very well-made, and I'd like to share it with some coworkers."

"Thank you for such an informative and helpful presentation! You've answered many questions I had (and even some I didn't know I had!) about Western Blots."

"I participated in your amazing presentation today and I would like to receive the recording, presentation and certificate."

Agrisera online Western blot workshop

Images of workshop participants, courtesy of Brajendra Tripathi.
Read more 2024-01-31

Planning your conference attendance in 2024? Check the Global Plant Events Calendar, for conferences, workshops and online events

The Global Plant Events Calendar, a joint initiative of American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB/Plantae) and Agriera, is providing a quick overview of conferences, congresses, smaller meetings, and online workshops and webinars, with the focus on plant science. 

Each year, over 200 events are listed, and the number is continuously growing. The listed events are curated to provide you high-quality events, and protect from irrelevant and so called "predatory" meetings. If you are organizing a meeting, you are welcome to submit it to the calendar. If you are planning your conference attendance, or search for possibilities to increase your knowledge, check the calendar!

For information on how the calendar was created, read an interview conducted by ASPB, with Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund,  here.
 Global Plant Events Calendar, supported by Agrisera


Read more 2024-01-26

Antibodies to Heat Shock Proteins - useful tools in investigastion of plant responses to environmental stress

Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), are a family of proteins that play essential roles in protecting cells from stressors, such as high temperatures, and are involved in various cellular processes. Agrisera offers specific antibodies to HSP proteins, which can aid research in different areas, such as:

  • Monitoring Stress Conditions: Antibodies to plant HSPs can be used to monitor the expression levels of these proteins under different stress conditions, such as heat stress, and lead to understanding of  the plant's response to environmental challenges.
  • Understanding Cellular Responses: Antibodies can be employed to determine the cellular localization of specific HSPs. This information is valuable in understanding how these proteins function within different cellular compartments.
  • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: Researchers can use antibodies to detect and quantify specific plant HSPs, providing insights into their expression patterns and regulation.
  • Immunoprecipitation: Antibodies can be used for immunoprecipitation studies to isolate and analyze specific HSP-protein interactions. This helps in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying stress responses.
  • Biotechnological applications: Understanding the role of HSPs and their regulation can aid in the development of genetically engineered plants with improved stress tolerance. Antibodies can assist in validating the expression of these proteins in genetically modified plants.
  • Biomarker development: HSPs may serve as biomarkers for stress in plants. Antibodies can be used to develop diagnostic tools for assessing the stress levels in plants, which is essential for crop management.
  • Environmental monitoring: Antibodies can be applied to monitor the levels of plant HSPs in natural environments. This can be useful for assessing the impact of environmental stress on plant populations.
The antibodies to plant HSPs are versatile tools that aid researchers in exploring the intricate details of plant stress responses, molecular interactions, and potential applications in agriculture and biotechnology. These antibodies enable scientists to investigate the roles of specific HSPs, assess stress conditions, and develop strategies for improving plant resilience.

Browse the Agrisera HSP antibody collection, offered 20% off until end of March, here


 Agrisera antibodies to HSP proteins, 20 % off until end of March

Read more 2024-01-26

Agrisera supports the 15th UCMR Day at Umeå University

The 15th UCMR Day took place at Aula Nordica of Umeå University on the 18th of January, 2024.

This one-day conference is aimed at scientists and staff members within Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, as well as collaboration partners and other researchers with an interest in microbial research or infection biology. The program offered inspiring keynote lectures, short talks, elevator pitches, and poster presentations, but first and foremost it is an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.

The winner of Agrisera Best Talk Prize was awarded to PhD student Elin Hahlin, from the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University, for the talk "Co-infection of HAdV-F41 and AAV-2 as a possible aetiology behind acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children". She will be awarded an antibody of her choice from the Agrisera catalog.

Congratulations and awaiting your free antibody choice!
 Agrisera Best Talk Prize at UCMR 2024

Phd student Elin Hahlinfrom receives the diploma for Agrisera Best Talk Prize.  Picture by Anna Shevtsova. 


Read more 2024-01-22

20% off antibodies to proteins involved in plant environmental stress response

As environmental conditions are changing, plants have to adapt to cope, as they, unlike animals, are stationary and cannot move to another location. Adaptive mechanisms help plants survive and thrive in challenging conditions and include:
  • Osmotic adjustment
  • Antioxidant defense system
  • Change in root morphology
  • Stomatal regulation
  • Metabolic adjustment
  • Dormancy and shedding
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Symbiotic relationships
  • Epigenetic changes
and the synthesis of stress proteins, which help protect cellular structures and enzymes from damage caused by environmental stress.

These mechanisms collectively allow plants to adapt to their environment, and optimize their chances of survival in the face of various stressors. The specific strategies employed can vary depending on both the type of stress and the plant species involved.

Agrisera's antibody collection to proteins involved in plant stress response
has been developed over many years, in close collaboration with the scientific community.

You can browse our full environmental stress antibody collection, which is discounted by 20% until end of March 2024. Use the discount code Stress20.
 Antibodies to proteins involved in plant heat and drought response


Read more 2024-01-18

The Global Plant Events Calendar is celebrating 5th anniversary

Exactly 5 years ago, in January 2019, Agrisera and Plantae decided to launch The Global Plant Events Calendar to support the plant science community with a good overview of worldwide meetings, conferences and workshops, both in person and online. 

The calendar served as an important resource during the pandemic, when many meetings were cancelled or converted to online events. All events submitted to the calendar are curated, to exclude meetings that do not fit the plant community, as well as so-called "predatory conferences". 

"The calendar is about inclusion, education and quality. We promote smaller, local meetings along with the big, popular ones," says Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, in a recent interview conducted by ASPB. 

She continues; "And you can think about it like this: if you dive into the cell and look at the organelles and research about it, and then if you take that up and translate it into the tree standing in the forest and being exposed to the climate, the calendar will cover almost every event remotely related to that process. So, this is a metaphor for what this calendar is really covering. It’s all the factors of plant science, internal and external. Big and small."

You are welcome to read the full story of the calendar in the interview by Rachel Belsky, ASPB Peer Review & Content Review Coordinator.

On average, there are around 200 meetings listed in the calendar each year. Over the last few years, the calendar has become recognized by organizers of highly recognized meetings, such as GRC (Gordon Research Conferences) and the Global Plant Council.

5th Anniversary of The Global Plant Events Calendar

Read more 2024-01-16

Discover the advantages of Agrisera detection reagents for ELISA

Agrisera offers detection reagents for ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), a widely used laboratory technique, employed for detecting and quantifying the presence of specific proteins, antibodies, peptides, hormones, or other substances in a sample. It is a highly sensitive and specific immunological assay, based on the principles of antigen-antibody interactions.

Visualization of antibody binding is usually performed using a secondary antibody, linked to an enzyme like Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), or Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP). A substrate specific to the linked enzyme is then added, and visualization is achieved as described below.

Colorimetric detection:
If a chromogenic substrate is used, the enzyme catalyzes a reaction that produces a colored product. The intensity of the color is proportional to the amount of the target substance in the sample. The color change is quantified using a spectrophotometer.

Chemiluminescent detection: If a chemiluminescent substrate is used, the enzyme catalyzes a reaction that produces light. The emitted light is measured using a luminometer. The advantages of chemiluminescent ELISA include its high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and suitability for quantitative analysis. It is commonly used in various fields, including clinical diagnostics, research laboratories, and pharmaceutical development, where the accurate measurement of protein concentrations is crucial due to its versatility, sensitivity, and ability to handle numerous samples simultaneously.

Until the end of March 2024, Agrisera offers 15% discount on all detection reagents.

Use a discount code: Detect15 and order today!

Agrisera ELISA detection reagnets

Agrisera chromogenic and chemiluminescent detection reagents for ELISA offer unique sensitivity at competitive pricing, and skilled technical support to help you to set up the experiments. 

Read more 2024-01-12

Investigation of protein-protein interactions with Agrisera anti-TurboID antibodies

Protein-protein interactions in crop plants can be studied using transient TurboID-based proximity labeling. 

In the recent publication  "Protocol to identify protein-protein interaction networks in Solanum tuberosum using transient TurboID-based proximity labeling" from the Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands, authors Li Shi et al. described the methodology of transient expression of constructs of a protein under investigation, fused to TurboID, and the identification of protein-protein interactions in potato leaves.

The publication describes a detailed protocol for preparation of plant material and transgene desing, as well as protein identification, using Agrisera's anti-TurboID antibody (AS20 4440). The authors also discuss limitations of the protocol, and provide suggestions on how to adress them. 
Steps of the protocol include: 
  • Design and Construction of TurboID Fusion Protein with the protein of interest (POI).
    The TurboID enzyme biotinylates nearby proteins within a certain radius (typically tens of nanometers) when activated by the addition of biotin-tyramide and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Expression of POI with TurboID. After expressing the TurboID fusion proteins, cells are treated with biotin-tyramide and hydrogen peroxide to activate TurboID. TurboID then catalyzes the covalent attachment of biotin to nearby proteins within its labeling radius.
  • Protein Extraction: Biotinylated proteins are enriched using streptavidin beads or other methods, isolating the proteins that were in close proximity to the TurboID-fused protein.
  • Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry. The enriched protein sample is subjected to to mass spectrometry for identification. This helps identify the proteins that were labeled by TurboID.
  • Validation. Identified protein-protein interactions are often validated using additional experimental techniques, such as Western blot.
   Agrisera anti-TurboID antibodies
Read more 2024-01-02
 Agrisera News


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