The Global Plant Events Calendar, a joint initiative of American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB/Plantae) and Agriera, is providing a quick overview of conferences, congresses, smaller meetings, and online workshops and webinars, with the focus on plant science. 

Each year, over 200 events are listed, and the number is continuously growing. The listed events are curated to provide you high-quality events, and protect from irrelevant and so called "predatory" meetings. If you are organizing a meeting, you are welcome to submit it to the calendar. If you are planning your conference attendance, or search for possibilities to increase your knowledge, check the calendar!

For information on how the calendar was created, read an interview conducted by ASPB, with Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund,  here.
 Global Plant Events Calendar, supported by Agrisera


 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

