Plant meeting calendar is on-line!

After many years of supporting hundreds of plant conferences, workshops and congresses the idea of a reliable and global Plant Science Event calendar was born. Agrisera contacted American Society of Plant Biology and our idea seem to hit the right timing. After discussions and brain storming the calendar started to take shape and since January 2019 all plant meetings, congresses, workshops and conferences can be signed up to the Global Plant Science Events Calendar. The aim is to cover most of worldwide meetings and provide a comprehensive listing. At the moment there are over 65 meetings registered already.
The calendar offers following functionality:
- There are few ways to easy receive an overwiev on coming meetings
- Using a simple tool, plant event can be easily included into the calendar
- A mini calendar widget can be loaded to a conference/society website, to obtain a widget contact: [email protected]
- There is an option to subscribe to the calendar
- Simple search can be done using specific key words
Blog post of Plantae about the calendar.