A matching secondary antibody, that can be used at high dilutions, will contribute to good Western blot results, with less risk for background signal. Beyond this, it can be used for many experiments, and is therefore very cost-efficient. The differences between secondary antibodies from various suppliers are discussed here.

Agrisera's primary antibodies are produced in chicken, goat, mouse, rabbit and rat. The following high-titer secondary antibodies are appropriate matches: 
At the bottom of each primary antibody product page, you will find a recommended secondary antibody to use with it. 

*This antibody is in the group of the most published antibodies in the world, based on publication record analyses performed by CiteAB.

  Agrisera secondary antibody

If you need advice on the choice of the most suitable secondary antibody for your experiments, please ask us, either through the chat on Agrisera website, or by email.

 Agrisera News

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