Agrisera has chosen to provide antibodies in lyophilized format due to several benefits, which include: 

  • Longer product shelf-life
  • No risk of antibody degradation in the unlikely event of a delayed shipment
  • Environmentally-friendly shipping, with no need for dry ice (the production of which is expensive and energy-consuming)

This method of delivering antibodies has succesfully been used by Agrisera for the last 20 years. The preserved activity of all lyophilized antibodies is confirmed by reconstitution the product and testing it in a specific technique, such as Western blot or immunolocalization. 

Upon receiving an antibody from Agrisera, which is lyophilized, it can be stored in -20°C and reconstituted before use. Specific instructions regarding reconstitution volume and addition of glycerol are provided on each product information sheet. 

Agrisera Antibodies provided in lyophilized format

 Technical tips

Technical tips
