Agrisera supported the 5th International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO) conference, held between the 22nd and 25th of May 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference focused on basic and applied plant proteomics research. 

The meeting covered the following topics:

  • Plant stress under climate crisis
  • Developmental proteomics
  • Signaling in plant interactions
  • Systems biology studies
  • Technical/methodological advances in proteomic analysis

The winners of Agrisera Best Poster Prizes, as well as a free antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog, were Dr. Jingjing Huang from Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University and VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology,Belgium. and PhD student Siel Goethals from VIB-UGent Plant Systems Biology, Belgium

Awaiting your free antibody choices!

 Agrisera awards druing INPPO 2023

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

