The conference Straub Days 2023, took place between 25th and 26th of May at the Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary. During the conference, the poster "Plant cell immunolocalization and the use of advanced imaging techniques at HCEMM Advanced Core Facility" was presented by Dr. Ferhan Ayaydin and Dr. Divya Teja Dondapati from the Functional Cell Biology and Immunology-Advanced Core Facility, HCEMM, Szeged; and Institute of Plant Biology, BRC, Szeged.

The poster showed various methods of material preparaton, and included immunolocalization results obtained with Agrisera antibodies to:

These were combined with matching Agrisera secondary antibodies:

  • Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H&L), DyLight® 488-conjugated secondary antibodies (AS10 1261), and
  • Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L), DyLight® 550-conjugated secondary antibody (AS12 1962)

The plant material used were: Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv. 'Unggi 9', Zea mays hybrid variety, Arabidopsis thaliana expressing GFP, and Oryza sativa bpt-jeelakarra variety.

Sample preparation methods followed for the immunolocalization studies on dicot and monocots were: suspension culture, root squash, whole root mount and cryosectioning.

  Immunolocalization with Agrisera antibodies shown on a poster during Straub Days in Szeged, Hungary
Seen in the image, left to right: Dr. Ferhan Ayaydin and Dr. Divya Teja Dondapati.

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

