Agrisera IncuBlocker is an "all in one" set for fast Western blot processing. The whole process takes place in a single step, as blocking, as well as primary and secondary antibody binding, occur simultaneously, followed by a wash step with included buffer. Depending on the titer of the primary antibody, it can be re-used up to 5 times (not recommended for quantification work). This means that the processing time can be shortened considerably, to 1.5 hour. 

Add your primary antibody and use your choice of chemiluminescence or chromogenic method to visualize the reaction. 

The set is provided for primary antibodies developed in chicken, mouse and rabbit, and is recommended for antibodies to proteins of high and moderate expression.

How to know the expression levels of your target protein?
Check in the Protein Abundance Database.
 IncuBlocker application example

The example above shows how the signal with a primary antibody can be visualized using IncuBlocker. No washes in between, as blocking and primary and secondary antibody incubationsn are done in one step. 

 Agrisera News

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