Agrisera offers free-of-charge epitope tag antibodies in return for results. Below is a list of epitope tag antibodies available for testing.

Beside 50 µg of antigen-purified antibodies, we will also provide you with: For Western blot, ChIP and immunolocalization. 

Product numberProduct nameUniprot ID

Research area

AS21 4612BAR | Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (170-183)P16426Epitope tags
AS21 4613BAR | Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (36-50)P16426Epitope tags
AS22 4832Ble tag | Bleomycin resistance proteinP17493Epitope tags
AS16 3690Cas9 | CRISPR-associated endonuclease 9 (polyclonal)Q03JI6Epitope tags
AS22 4855CBD-Tag | Chitin Binding Domain Epitope TagEpitope tags
AS21 4686CBP epitope tagEpitope tags
AS22 4854CBP-tag | Calmodulin Binding Protein Eptiope TagEpitope tags
AS21 4604E TagEpitope tags
AS22 4800GFP11 | C-terminal of GFPP42212Epitope tags
AS21 4607Glu-Glu TagEpitope tags
AS21 4605Halo TagEpitope tags
AS21 4603HSV epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4681HSV epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4680KT3 epitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4675mStrawberry Epitope tags
AS21 4602Rho1D4/1D4 TagEpitope tagEpitope tags
AS21 4684S epitope tagdoes not applyEpitope tags
AS21 4606SNAP/Clip TagEpitope tags
AS21 4508Trx Tag | Thioredoxin 1 Fusion proteinEpitope tags

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