Our warmest congratulations to master student Karolina Todorska, who scored a 9/9 in the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot quiz, part 1 and part 2!

The quiz was a part of Agrisera's lecture on Western blot, conducted by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund on the 29th of March, as part of the course "Biochemistry: Protein Separation Methods and Analytical Techniques", held at The Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden.

As the prize, Karolina received the book "Photosynthesis – Solar Energy for Life" by Dr. Dmitry Shevela, Prof. Lars Olof Björn, Prof. Govindjee.

Good luck with your studies!
  The winner of Agrisera Quiz during a lecture on biochemistry course at Umeå University

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