On the 19th of January, the 14th UCMR Day 2023 took place at Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, Umeå University. The meeting had outstanding talks and poster presentations, giving the possibility to present specific projects in the form of elevator talks. 

There were 50 poster presentations at the conference. A jury selected the top three posters, which were awarded prizes sponsored by UCMR and Agrisera.

Congratulations to these three articulate and ambitious researchers!
1. Winner of the best poster reward: PhD student Sandra Holmberg
2. Second place, the best poster: Dr. Dale Corkery
3. Third place, the best poster: Tom Guest

The winners are awarded an antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog.

Congratulations and awaiting your free antibody choice!
  Agrisera supports UCMR Day 2023 at Umeå Univrersity

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

