Agrisera supported the 32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference, held between the 28th and 30th of April 2023, in Bodega Biological Marine Laboratory, California, USA.

The meeting covered the following topics:

  • Structure-Function Relations in Photosynthesis
  • Electron Transfer and Organization of Photosynthetic Complexes
  • Applied/Artificial Photosynthesis and Bioenergy
  • Global Ecology and Photosynthetic Response to the Dynamic Environment
  • Genomes and Evolution of Photosynthesis
  • Carbon Fixation and Central Carbon Metabolism

The winners of Agrisera Best Talk Prizes, and a free antibody of their choice from the Agrisera catalog, were: 

Dr. Asmit Bhowmick from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Grad student Albert Liu from University of California Davis

Awaiting your free antibody choices!
Awardess of Agrisera best talk prize at WPC2023

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

