4th Anniversar of the Global Plant Events Calendar

The Global Plant Events Calendar was initiated on January 2nd, 2019 as a mutual effort of Plantae and Agrisera, to provide the plant community with a comprehensive list of worldwide events. Over the last four years, hundreds of various events have been listed in the calendar, making it easy for plant researchers to receive a quick overview of available events. The calendar lists conferences and meetings held in person, as well as online events, webinars and workshops on different topics relevant to plant biology. 

Today, The Global Plant Events Calendar is the most comprehensive list of worldwide events for the plant community.

If you are not familiar with the calendar, this short video will show you how to use it. You are welcome to submit a meeting you are organizing!

Stay informed! Follow the calendar on Twitter @PlantSciEvents
 Agrisera blog

Agrisera blog

