Agrisera supported the 24th conference of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB), held between the 13th and 15th of April, 2023, in Hall in Tirol, Austria. The event was organized by the Department of Botany of the University of Innsbruck.

The 24th conference of the ATSPB was dedicated to the importance of plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change. The Agrisera Best Poster Prize was awarded to Paraskevi Charalambous, from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria, for the poster "Dissolving and Reshaping Walnut Shells: A Sustainable Material Solution?".

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   Agrisera prize at ATSPB conference 2023
In the picture: Paraskevi Charalambous (left) and Prof Ilse Kranner, Conference President (right).

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