Antibodies for testing

Free 50 µg of antigen affinity purified antibodies, in return for results.

Apply for receiving a sample by sending an email to [email protected].

Beside a primary antibody for Western blot, we will also include a high-titer secondary antibody, dilution 1: 25 000.

List of antibodies available for testing

For Western blot, ChIP and immunolocalization. 

Tag antibodies

Product number Product name Research area
AS22 4855 Anti-CBD-Tag | Chitin Binding Domain Epitope Tag Tags
AS21 4686 Anti-CBP-tag | Calmodulin Binding Protein Eptiope Tag  (monoclonal) Tags
AS22 4854 Anti-CBP-tag | Calmodulin Binding Protein Eptiope Tag (polyclonal) Tags
AS22 4791 Anti-Cpf1 (Francisella novicida, Lachnospiraceae bacterium) | CRISPR-associated endonuclease Cas12a Tags
AS22 4790 Anti-Cpf1 (Acidaminococcus sp) | CRISPR-associated endonuclease Cas12a Tags
AS21 4604 Anti-E Tag Tags
AS21 4607 Anti-Glu-Glu Tag Tags
AS21 4603 Anti-HSV epitope tag Tags
AS21 4681 Anti-HSV epitope tag Tags
AS21 4680 Anti-KT3 epitope tag Tags
AS23 4954 Anti-mEos3.2 | Epitope tag Tags
AS21 4675 Anti-mStrawberry Tags
AS21 4602 Anti-Rho1D4/1D4 Tag Tags
AS21 4684 Anti-S epitope tag Tags
AS21 4606 Anti-SNAP/Clip Tag Tags
AS22 4884 Anti-tdTomato Tags
AS21 4508 Anti-Trx Tag | Thioredoxin 1 Fusion protein Tags
AS23 4930 Anti-V5 | V5 epitope tag Tags

Primary antibodies to plant, algal and bacterial proteins

Product number Product name Uniprot ID Tair Gene ID Research area
AS22 4873 Anti-30S ribosomal protein S15 (bacterial) P0ADZ4 does not apply Bacteria
AS23 4906 Anti-AARE | Acyloamino acid releasing enzyme A0A2H1ZEM8 AT4G14570 Senescence/ Cell death
AS22 4861 Anti-ACT | Actin (Algal) P53498 does not apply Loading controls
AS14 2798 Anti-AGO1-PIWI (C-terminal) (algal) A8J0M9 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4561 Anti-AGO1a | Argonaute 1a (Oryza sativa) Q6EU14  does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4562 Anti-AGO1b | Argonaute 1b (Oryza sativa) Q7XSA2 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4563 Anti-AGO1c | Argonaute 1c (Oryza sativa) Q6K972  does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4564 Anti-AGO1d | Argonaute 1d (Oryza sativa) Q5Z5B2  does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4595 Anti-AGO1d | Argonaute 1d A0A287Y0T8 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4589 Anti-AGO2b | Argonaute 2b A0A287J444 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4590 Anti-AGO4a | Argonaute 4a A0A287KTI1 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4591
Anti-AGO5b | Argonaute 5b A0A287HKI5 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4592
Anti-AGO6 | Argonaute 6 A0A287E072 does not apply Plant RNA
AS10 672 Anti-AGO6 | Argonaute 6 O48771 At2g32940 Plant RNA
AS21 4594 Anti-AGO9 | Argonaute 9 A0A287KDI2 does not apply Plant RNA
AS21 4593 Anti-AGO18 | Argonaute 18 F4K6Z5 AT5G21105 Plant RNA
AS24 5016 Anti-ALAAT1/2 | Alanine aminotransferase 1/2

Q9LDV4, F4I7I0

Amino acid metabolism   
AS24 5026 Anti-Alb3 | Albino 3 A0A178VUV3 AT2G28800 Photosynthesis
AS23 4981 Anti-ALDH2 | Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (plant) Q9SU63,Q8S528, Q56YU0 AT3G48000, AT1G23800, AT3G24503 Environmental stress
AS23 4942 Anti-AMT1 | Ammonium transporter 1 P54144 P54144 Nitrogen metabolism
AS22 4838 Anti-AmoA | Ammonia monoxy­genase, subunit A Q04507   Nitrogen metabolism
AS23 4968 Anti-AO (MCO3) | L-ascorbate oxidase F4K6Z5 At5g21105 Developmental biology/Ion metabolism
AS23 4941 Anti-APA1 | Aspartic proteinase A1 O65390 AT1G11910 Environmental stress
AS23 4903 Anti-ARF5 | Auxin response factor 5 P93024 AT1G19850 Auxins
AS24 5033 Anti-Beta CA2 | Beta carbonic anhydrase 2 (chloroplastic) P42737   RUBISCO/ Carbon metabolism
AS22 4839 Anti-Beta-proteo­bacteria­AmoB | Ammonia monoxy­genase, subunit B Q04508   Nitrogen metabolism
AS23 4980 Anti-ATG1a | Autophagy protein 1a Q94C95 AT3G61960 Protein modifications
AS21 4611 Anti-ATH1 | Homeobox protein ATH1 P48731 AT4G32980 Signal transduction
AS18 4233 Anti-BAK1 | Brassino­steroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 (other species: rice) Q6Z4U4 does not apply Hormones > Brassino­steroids
AS15 2897 Anti-Bam 9 | Beta amylase Q8VYW2 At5g18670 Sucrose metabolism
AS16 4088 Anti-BoNT-E | Botulinum toxin E     Plant toxins
AS23 4977 Anti-BOP1 | Protein BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 Q9M1I7 AT3G57130 Development biology / Photomorphogenesis
AS22 4704 Anti-BRAF | Bro1 domain protein BRAF Q0WSL5 At5g14020 Endomembrane
AS23 4996 Anti-Cas9 | CRISPR-associated endo­nuclease 9 Q99ZW2  
AS22 4871 Anti-COIL | Coilin (Cajal bodies protein) Q8RWK8 AT1G13030 Cell cycle
AS21 4585 Anti-CBP60G | Calmodulin-binding protein 60 G F4K2R6 At5g26920 Environmental stress
AS16 4096 Anti-CcdA A0A178UMW6 At5g53340 Endomembrane
AS23 4910 Anti-cFBPase (cytoplasm marker) Q9MA79 AT1G43670 Compartment markers
AS24 5020 Anti-CHL1 | Chlorophyllase 1 O22527 AT1G19670 Photosynthesis
AS24 5021 Anti-CHL2 | Chlorophyllase 2 Q9M7I7 AT5G43860 Photosynthesis
AS16 3213 Anti-CK2 beta | Casein kinase 2 subunit beta P40228,
AS23 4994 Anti-CLC-a | Chloride channel protein A P92941 AT5G40890 Plant RNA
AS23 4995 Anti-CLCa-g | Chloride channel protein (a-g) P92941 AT5G40890 Plant RNA
AS23 4988 Anti-CLO1 | Caleosin-1 A0A178V1E1 AT4G26740 Plant RNA
AS23 4894 Anti-CLV3 | CLAVATA 3 Q9XF04 At2g27250 Cell cycle
AS24 5018 Anti-COIL | Coilin (Cajal bodies protein) Q8RWK8 AT1G13030 DNA/RNA/Cell cycle/Nuclear signaling
AS22 4790 Anti-Cpf1 (Acidamino­coccus sp) | CRISPR-associated endonuclease Cas12a U2UMQ6 does not apply TAG antibodies > CRISPR
AS23 4889 Anti-CRT1/2 | Calreti­culin-1/2 Q38858, O04151 At1g56340, AT1G09210 Endomembrane
AS23 4890 Anti-CRT3 | Calreti­culin-3 O04153 AT1G08450 Endomembrane
AS22 4840 Anti-Cmt2 | Chromo­methylase 2 Q94F87 AT4G19020 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS22 4829 Anti-CrCGLD27 Q43866 does not apply
Photosynthesis > Green cut
AS23 4928 Anti-CUL1 | Cullin-1 Q94AH6 AT4G02570 Cell cycle
AS23 4962 Anti-CUL3 | Cullin 3 AT1G26830, AT1G69670 A0A178WM88 Protein modifications
AS22 4877 Anti-CWInv1 | Cell Wall Inveratse 1 (Dicot) A0A1S3X7U9, M0ZRR7
does not apply
Cell wall
AS22 4856 Anti-CWInv1 | Cell Wall Inveratse 1 Arabi­dopsis) Q43866 AT3G13790 Cell wall
AS22 4841 Anti-Death-inducer obliterator 1 XP_015626002.1 does not apply DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS15 3100 Anti-DCL2 | Dicer-like protein 2 Q3EBC8 AT3G03300 Plant RNA
AS22 4720 Anti-DCL3a | Dicer-like 104 (maize)   does not apply Plant RNA
AS22 4706 Anti-DCL4 | Dicer-like protein 4 P84634 At5g20320 Plant RNA
AS22 4721 Anti-DCL4 | Dicer-like 4 (maize)   does not apply Plant RNA
AS23 4943 Anti-DCP2 | mRNA-decapping enzyme subunit 2 Q8GW31 AT5G13570 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS23 4989 Anti-DGAT1 | O-acyl­trans­ferase A0A178VVE4 AT2G19450 Plant RNA
AS22 4878 Anti-Disease resistance protein RPS2 Q42484 AT4G26090 Pathogen attack
AS23 4997 Anti-DIT2.1 | Dicarbo­xylate transporter 2.1 A0A178UKA0 AT5G64290 Environmental stress
AS23 4964 Anti-DMC1 | Disruption of meiotic control 1 A0A178VEK4 AT3G22880 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS23 4952 Anti-DPE2 | 4-alpha-gluca­notrans­ferase Q8RXD9 AT2G40840 Plant RNA
AS22 4837 Anti-DRM2 | DNA (cytosine-5)-methyl­trans­ferase DRM2 Q9M548 AT5G14620 Epigenetics/ DNA methylation
AS22 4707 Anti-DRP1E | Phragmo­plastin DRP1E Q9FNX5 At3g60190 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS23 4973 Anti-E2- OGDH1/E2- OGDH2 | E2 subunit of the 2-oxoglu­tarate dehydro­genase Q8H107-1, Q9FLQ4 AT5G55070, AT4G26910 Plant RNA
AS24 5017 Anti-EXO70E2 | Exocyst subunit Exo70 family protein Q9FNR3 AT5G61010 Environmental stress > Pathogen attack
AS23 4915 Anti-FBN2 | Fibrillin O82291 AT2G35490 Photosynthesis
AS23 4946 Anti-FER | Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA Q9SCZ4 AT3G51550 Plant RNA
AS22 4833 Anti-Ferredoxin nitrite reductase, chloroplastic (monocot) does not apply Nitrogen metabolism
AS24 5025 Anti- FLA | Flowering locus A P0DH90 AT4G00650.1 Development biology > Flowering
AS22 4876 Anti-FRO2 | Ferric reduction oxidase 2 (Dicot) A0A1S4BDR5 does not apply  
AS23 4888 Anti-GA1 | Ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase, chloroplastic Q38802 At4g02780 Photosynthesis
AS24 5019 Anti-GAI | DELLA protein GAI Q9LQT8 AT1G14920 Hormones / Biosynthesis/regulation
AS22 4805 Anti-Gamma-Glu-Cys does not apply does not apply Oxidative stress
AS25 5060 Anti-gamma-H2AX A0A178WEZ4 At1g54690  
AS23 4999 Anti-GFP11 | C-terminal of GFP P42212 does not apply  
AS22 4793 Anti-GLC | Glyoxylate carboligase P0AEP7 does not apply Bacteria
AS19 4300 Anti-GLO1 | (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase GLO1 Q9LRR9 AT3G14420 Photorespiration
AS22 4708 Anti-GLU1 | Ferre­doxin-dependent glutamate synthase 1, chloro­plastic/ mitocho­ndrial Q9ZNZ7 At5g04140 Nitrogen metabolism
AS16 3975 Anti-Hardwood lignin (birch) Q8RWY5 AT3G10040 Cell Wall
AS23 4892 Anti-HDA19 | Histone deacet­ylase 19 O22446 AT4G38130 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS23 4976 Anti-HRA1 | Hypoxia Response Atenn­uator 1     Environmental stress
AS23 4982 Anti-HSP21 | Chloro­plastic heat shock protein P31170 AT4G27670 Heat shock
AS23 4917 Anti-HOS1 | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HOS1 Q84JU6 At2g39810 Cold stress
AS06 136 Anti-HYL1 | Hyponastic leave phenotype ds-RNA binding protein O04492 At1g09700 Plant RNA
AS23 4957 Anti-IRT1 | Ion transport-like protein (barley) B4YHA7 does not apply Heavy metal stress
AS22 4815 Anti-ICL | Isocitrate lyase P15479 does not apply Carbohydrates
AS23 4958 Anti-ICS1 | Isochorismate synthase 1, chloroplastic (monocots) A0A1D6I2X7 does not apply Environmental stress > Pathogen attack
AS22 4795 Anti-katE | Catalase HPII (bacterial) P21179 does not apply Bacteria
AS22 4799 Anti-L10 | Ribosomal protein L10 family protein Q9LHH1 At3g12370 Translation
AS16 4073 Anti-LAC4 | Laccase B9IG57 does not apply Cell Wall
AS16 4074 Anti-Laccase A0A178V5P5 AT3G09220 Cell Wall
AS23 4953 Anti-Lhcb7 | Chlorophyll a-b binding protein 7 Q9C9K1 AT1G76570 Photosynthesis
AS23 4918 Anti-LHP1 | Chromo domain-containing protein LHP1 Q946J8 AT5G17690 Senescence/ Cell death
AS24 5032 Anti-MED25 | Mediator 25 Q7XYY2 At1g25540 Development biology > Flowering
AS15 2904 Anti-MKK1 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 Q94A06 AT4G26070 Signal transduction
AS22 4872 Anti-MPK3 | Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 Q39023 AT3G45640 Signal transduction
AS24 5012 Anti-MSH2 | DNA mismatch repair protein MSH2 O24617 AT3G18524 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS23 4934 Anti-MTA | N6-adenosine-methyl­trans­ferase MT-A70-like A0A5S9XR34 AT4G10760 Plant RNA
AS23 4900 Anti-MTP1 | vacuolar Zn2+/H+ antiporter Q9ZT63 AT2G46800 Vacuolar membrane
AS22 4709 Anti-NAD9 | NADH dehydro­genase [ubiqu­inone] iron-sulfur protein 3 Q95748 AtMg00070 Mitochondria/ Respiration
AS23 4972 Anti-NEDD8 | Ubiquitin-NEDD8-like protein RUB Q9SHE7, Q8RUC6 AT1G31340, AT2G35635 Protein modifications
AS16 4108 Anti-NPR1 | Nonexpresser of PR genes 1 (other species) Q5D0W8   Pathogen attack
AS23 4998 Anti-NRPE1 | DNA-directed RNA polymerase V subunit 1 Q5D869 AT2G40030 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS22 4826 Anti-P2K1| L-type lectin-domain containing receptor kinase I.9 Q9LSR8-1 AT5G60300 Pathogen attack
AS22 4862 Anti-P58IPK | DnaJ protein P58IPK homolog Q9LYW9 At5g03160 Endomembrane
AS24 5004 Anti-PAB2 | Polyadenylate binding protein 2 A0A178UWB3 AT4G34110 DNA/ RNA/ Cell cycle
AS22 4857 Anti-PAP17 | Purple acid phosph­atase 17 (A.thaliana) Q9SCX8 AT3G17790  Senescence/ Cell death
AS23 4965 Anti-PAP17 | Purple acid phosph­atase 17 (Dicots) M1CK79 does not apply
Senescence/ Cell death
AS23 4969 Anti-PBA1 | 20S protea­some beta subunit A1 F4JRY2-1 At4g31300 Plant proteasome
AS23 4991 Anti-PBCP | Photo­system II core phosph­atase O64730 AT2G30170 Photosynthesis
AS23 4992 Anti-PBCP | Photo­system II core phosph­atase O64730 AT2G30170 Photosynthesis
AS22 4781 Anti-PDF2.2 | Defensin-like protein 2 Q39182 AT2G02100 Pathogen attack
AS22 4834 Anti-PDH-E1 ALPHA| Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit alpha-3, chloroplastic O24457 AT1G01090  
AS22 4835 Anti-PDH-E1 BETA | Pyruvate dehydro­genase E1 component subunit beta-2 (chloro­plastic) Q9C6Z3 AT1G30120 Carbohydrates
AS24 5023 Anti-PDLP5 | Plasmodesmata-located protein 5 Q8GUJ2 AT1G70690 Environmental stress > Pathogen attack
AS16 4110 Anti-PEPC 1 | Phospho­enol­pyruvate carbox­ylase 1 Q9MAH0 AT1G53310 Photosynthesis
AS23 4922 Anti-PGL35 | Plasto­globulin 35; FIB1a; FBN1a O81439 AT4G04020 Photosynthesis
AS16 4068 Anti-PHR2 | Phyto­lyase/Blue light receptor 2 Q058P5 AT2G47590 Transcription regulation
AS23 4959 Anti-PI3K | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase VPS34 P42339 At1g60490 Autophagy
AS23 4898 Anti-PhyB | Phytochrome B (monocots) A0A3L6DA94, A0A317YJ19 does not apply
AS23 4937 Anti-PhyC | Phytochrome C P14714 AT5G35840 Photomorpho­genesis
AS23 4939 Anti-PhyD | Phytochrome D P42497 AT4G16250 Photomorpho­genesis
AS23 4935 Anti-PhyE | Phytochrome E P42498 AT4G18130 Photomorpho­genesis
AS22 4853 Anti-PII | Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II homolog Q9ZST4 AT4G01900 Nitrogen metabolism
AS21 4600 Anti-PIN1 | Auxin efflux carrier component 1 (monoclonal) Q9C6B8 At1g73590 Auxins
AS22 4811 Anti-PIP1;3 | Aquaporin, plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1-3 Q9SXF8 does not apply Plasma membrane
AS22 4813 Anti-PIP2;2 | Plasma membrane aquaporin 2b Q9MB99 does not apply Plasma membrane
AS23 4978 Anti-PROF1/2 | Profilin 1, 2 Q42449 Profilin 1 Q42418 Profilin 2 AT2G19760, AT4G29350 Developmental biology
AS23 4955 Anti-PUB11 | Plant U-Box Protein 11 Q8GUG9 AT1G23030 Plant RNA
AS22 4857 Anti-PAP17 | Purple acid phosph­atase 17 Q9SCX8 AT3G17790  Senescence/ Cell death
AS23 4986 Anti-RabG | Ras-related protein RABG Q9LS94 AT3G18820 Membrane transport system / Endomembrane
AS22 4823 Anti-RAD21 | Cohesin complex component Q8W1Y0 AT5G16270 Cell cycle
AS22 4850 Anti-RAD51 A/B | DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog A/B (monocots) Q67EU8 does not apply Transcription regulation
AS22 4828 Anti-RBX1A | RING-box protein 1a Q940X7 At5g20570 Plant proteasome
AS22 4723 Anti-RDR6 | Zea mays RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6   does not apply Transcription regulation
AS24 5011 Anti-REC8 | Sister chromatid cohesion 1 protein A0A078IS68 does not apply Cell cycle
AS23 4893 Anti-REM1.2/1.3 | Remorin O80837 AT2G45820 Plasma membrane
AS22 4859 Anti-RNS3 | Ribo­nuclease 3 P42815 At1g26820 Developmental biology/ Senescence
AS22 4713 Anti-RPE | Ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase, chloro­plastic Q9SAU2 At5g61410 RUBISCO/ Carbon metabolism
AS25 5074 Anti-RPS6A | 40S ribosomal protein S6-1 O48549 At4g31700 Translation
AS24 5003 Anti-SAD6 | Stearoyl-ACP desaturase 6 (chloroplastic) Q84VY3 AT1G43800 Environmental stress/Hypoxia
AS21 4599 Anti-SARD1 | Protein SAR Deficient 1 Q9C9T2 At1g73805 Transcription regulation
AS23 4960 Anti-SDH1/2 | Succinate dehydrogenase 1/2 A0A178UAN3 AT5G66760 Mitochondria | Respiration
AS24 5024 Anti-SIZ1 | E3 SUMO-protein ligase SIZ1 Q680Q4   AT5G60410 Protein modifications
AS22 4824 Anti-SMC-1 | Structural mainte­nance of chromo­somes protein 1 Q6Q1P4 AT3G54670 Cell cycle
AS16 3936 Anti-SNX1 | Sorting nexin 1 Q9FG38 At5g06140 Endomembrane system
AS16 3974 Anti-Softwood lignin (spruce) Cell Wall
AS24 5028 Anti-SRP1 | Small rubber particle protein Q9FYF7 AT1G67360 Environmental stress/Drought   
AS24 5007 Anti-Sub1A | Sub1a protein (rice) Q0P1A7, Q0P1A8
  Plant RNA
AS22 4715 Anti-SUC2 | Sucrose transport protein SUC2 (dicots) Q39231 At1g22710 Sucrose metabolism
AS22 4714 Anti-SUC2 | Sucrose transport protein SUC2 (monocots) Q0ILJ3
does not apply
Sucrose metabolism
AS23 4909 Anti-SUS4 | Sucrose synthase 4 Q9LXL5 AT3G43190 Photosynthesis
AS23 4899        Anti-SymRK I Symbiosis receptor kinase Q7F1I0, Q2TDW9, Q8L4H4   Environmental stress > Pathogen attack
AS22 4821 Anti-SQS1 | Squalene synthase P53799 AT4G34640 Terpene metabolism
AS22 4820 Anti-SQE1-3 | Squalene epoxidase1-3 Q9SM02
Terpene metabolism
AS23 4945 Anti-Sweet4 | Bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET4 Q944M5 AT3G28007 Membrane transport system
AS23 4929 Anti-TBP1/2 | TATA BINDING PROTEIN 1/2 P28147, P28148 AT3G13445.1, AT1G55520.1 Transcription regulation
AS23 4961 Anti-TDT | Tonoplast dicarbo­xylate transp­orter Q8LG88 AT5G47560 Plant RNA
AS16 3209 Anti-TGA2 | TGACG motif-binding factor 2, bZIP transcription factor P43273 At5g06950 Transcription regulation
AS23 4925 Anti-TE1| Protein terminal ear 1   A0A8J8Y200 Plant RNA
AS24 5002 Anti-TET8 | Tetraspanin 8 Q8S8Q6 AT2G23810 Membrane transport system / Endomembrane
AS24 5029 Anti-TIR1 | Transport inhibitor response 1 Q570C0 At3g62980 Hormones / Biosynthesis/regulation
AS23 4924 Anti-Toc75 | Protein TOC75 (monocots) Q84Q83 does not apply Photosynthesis
AS23 4951 Anti-Toc34 | Chloro­plast outer envelope membrane trans­locon complex protein Q38906 AT5G05000 Photosynthesis
AS23 4897 Anti-TOC1 | TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1 Q9LKL2 AT5G61380 Signal transduction
AS16 4032 Anti-TPC1 |Ttwo pore calcium channel protein 1 Q6S5H8 does not apply Plasma membrane
AS23 4904 Anti-UBQ | Ubiqu­itin known plant and algal UBQ sequences
does not apply Protein modifications
AS23 4984 Anti-WHY2 | Whirly2 Q8VYF7 AT1G71260 Cell cycle
AS13 2663 Anti-VAS1 | Reversal of SAV3 phenotype 1 Q9C969 AT1G80360 Signal transduction
AS22 4814 Anti-V-ATPase, A | Vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit A O23654 At1g78900 Vacuolar membrane
AS23 4920 Anti-V-ATPase | Epsilon subunit of tonoplast H+ATPase Q39258, P0CAN7,
AT4G11150, AT1G64200, AT3G08560 Vacuolar marker
AS23 4985 Anti-XTH-Xet | XET Xylog­lucan xylogl­ucosyl transf­erase F2CUQ3 Cell Wall
AS24 5027 Anti-Ycf4 | Photosystem I assembly protein Ycf4 A0A1B1W4V4 ATCG00520 Photosynthesis
AS23 4990 Anti-12S seed storage protein CRC Q96318 AT4G28520  

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