The plant cell monoclonal antibody collection developed in the laboratory of Professor Paul Knox at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, is available from Agrisera. 

Recent results of immunofluorescent staining of plant cell wall components were obtained using the following antibodies: 

Anti-Pectic polysaccharide, beta-1,4-galactan (monoclonal, clone LM5)

Anti-Heteromannan (monoclonal, clone LM21)

Anti-Heteroxylan (monoclonal, clone LM11)

The cell wall components were visualized in the following material: Arabidopsis thaliana (stem), Pinus sylvestris (wood section) and Picea abies (wood). The images are courtesy of Courtesy of Dr. Jan Łyczakowski, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Immunofluorescent localization of the plant cell wall components
 Agrisera News

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