Download the poster here.
Poster 4:
Rubisco: An enzyme of Global Importance, provides a good overview on the most abundant enzyme on Earth - Rubisco.
The poster is developed by Dr Dmitry Shevela (Umeå University, Sweden), Dr. Manajit Hayer-Hartl (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany) , Professor Inger Andersson (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Professor Govindjee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), and consulated with leading scientists in the field. This poster is available in A0 format, for decoration your office or lab wall, as well as in pdf format for lectures and workshops. E-Mail us to obtain your hard copy!
Agrisera Educational Poster Collection includes following posters:
Oxygenic Photosynthesis (Poster 1)
Z-scheme (Poster 2)
Photosynthesis and Respiration (Poster 3)
All posters can be aquired at several conferences, which Agrisera is attending or supporting this year.
For a list of these conferences, please click here.
Agrisera Photosynthetic Antibody Collection consists of antibodies for:
Rubisco Quantification | ATPsynthase | Carotenoid metabolism | Chaperones/Transporters | Chloroplast biogenesis/architecture | Chlorophyll | Green Cut | LHC | Light acclimation | Kinases | PSI (Photosystem I) | PSII (Photosystem II) | Proteases | Protein standards-quantitation | RUBISCO/carbon metabolism | Sucrose metabolism