Agrisera's Indian distributor BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt Ltd represented Agrisera at BIOTECH 2024, the X International Scientific and Practical Conference on Biotechnology as an Instrument for Plant Biodiversity Conversation (physiological, biochemical, embryological, genetic and legal aspects). BTL Biotechno Labs Pvt Ltd showcased our product range, and engaged in discussions with researchers and plant science experts.

The conference took place November 20th–21st, 2024, in New Delhi, India, and was organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NPBGR), under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). The primary objective of the event was to gather leading scientists and emerging researchers from around the globe, to share their research findings, foster collaborative ventures, and chart a course for addressing pivotal challenges in aspects such as plant biodiversity conservation and plant biotechnology.

The conference provided an opportunity to gain valuable insights into the emerging research trends in India’s plant science landscape. This understanding strengthens our commitment to addressing the needs of Indian scientists and contributing meaningfully to the progress of plant science research.

   Agrisera represented by BiotechnoLabs on the conference in India
 Agrisera News

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