Researchers from the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) at Umeå University visited Agrisera's facility in Umeå on the 7th of November. Principal Investigators, PostDocs and PhD students joined the tour.
After a short presentation of Agrisera, many interesting questions were asked regarding antibody production, purification and antibody validation. 

We eagerly shared our knowledge and are hoping for future collaborations!

Feedback from one of the participants:

"Thank you to you and your colleagues for the amazing tour of the facility today and for answering our questions. It was very insightful to see some of the procedures, and to find out how much care and attention is put into making and distributing the products. I wish I could have the same confidence with every company I have purchased antibodies from!"


 KBC researchers visitng Agrisera facility in Umeå

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

