The International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants (ISINIP) took place between the 8th and 12th of July, in Düsseldorf in Germany. Scientific sessions covered the following topics:

  • Crop iron physiology 
  • Micronutrient biofortification 
  • Plant-soil-microbe interactions 
  • Alkaline and acidic soil environments 
  • Transcription factor networks 
  • Iron acquisition and transport 
  • Whole-plant iron physiology and regulation 
  • Iron physiology and interaction with other elements 

Best Poster Prizes from Agrisera were awarded to two young scientists. 

The Plant Epigenetics meeting took place between 10th and 12th of July, in Clermond-Ferrand in France.

Agrisera supported this meeting with hard copies of our educational posters focused on epigenetics, which were developed in collaboration with scientists in the field. 



Two conferences supported by Agrisera this week

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