Agrisera is present at the 2nd American Photosynthesis Congress, held June 3rd-6th, at Georgia State University, USA. The conference covers all aspects of photosynthesis research. 

Participants can pick up free hard copies of Agrisera's Educational Posters, prepared in collaboration with scientists in the field of photosynthesis, as well as the Agrisera product catalog and Agrisera Western blot troubleshooting guide

Dr. Chris Brown is representing Agrisera at the congress. Come by and ask him any questions about antibodies for photosynthesis research. Dr. Brown has been involved in the development of Agrisera's Global Antibodies, to a wide range of key photosynthetic proteins, with broad species reactivity.

   Agrisera at 2nd American Photosynthesis Congress
Dr. Chris Brown at Agrisera's booth.

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

