As plants cannot move and change their habitat quickly as animals can, they have instead developed other amazing strategies to cope with various pathogen attacks. Listed below are some examples of plant pathogens.

Fungal diseases: These pathogens typically thrive in warm, moist conditions and can infect various parts of the plant, such as leaves, stems, fruits, and roots.
Bacterial diseases: Bacterial pathogens infect plants through wounds or natural openings, causing diseases like bacterial wilt, leaf spot, and soft rot, and can spread rapidly through the whole plant.
Viral diseases: Viruses can infect plants through vectors such as insects, nematodes, and even human activities, like grafting. Viral diseases can significantly reduce crop yields and quality.
Nematode damage: Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on plant roots, leading to reduced nutrient uptake and stunted growth. Root-knot nematodes, for example, cause the formation of galls on roots, interfering with water and nutrient absorption.

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