On the 29th of November, Agrisera conducted an in-person and online Western blot workshop for researchers from Umeå University, Sweden. In spite of a severe snow storm, many researchers arrived or joined online. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast exprience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  

Here are some comments we received on the workshop:
"Thank you again for the workshop, I really enjoyed it, and it was informative!" 
"Thank you for your time and efforts to put this together!"
"I enjoyed the workshop today. Super informative!"
"Thanks a lot for today's workshop. It was really helpful for a beginner like me."

A warm thank you to the KBC Information Office that helped arrange this event!
Agrisera in person and online workshop at KBC

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!

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