CCD cameras are often used for visualizing the binding of an antibody to a target protein, through chemiluminescent or fluorescent detection. In cases where a CCD camera is not available in the laboratory, secondary antibodies conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (ALP) can be used, and the reaction can instead be visualized using Agrisera TMB reagents. This way, medium and high abundancy proteins can be visualized easily, and the obtained results can be saved in the lab book (although please remember that there is a fading effect).

Take advantage of Agrisera high-titer secondary antibodies, offered with different hosts (rabbit, chicken, goat, donkey) conjugated with ALP enzyme, combined with Agrisera TMB solution, delivered together in one package with your primary antibodies.

ALP-conjugated secondary antibodies are discounted by 10% until end of 2023. Order easily online on the Agrisera website, or by sending your order to [email protected].

If you are not certain which secondary antibody to choose, our technical team will promptly answer all your questions.

 Agrisera BCIP/NBT ALP Substrate (100 ml)

 Agrisera News

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