TurboID is a proximity labeling technique used in cell biology and molecular biology research to study protein-protein interactions and subcellular protein localization. This approach has many great benefits, such as: 

  1. Rapid Labeling: Hence the name, TurboID. This technique has significantly faster labeling kinetics, compared to other proximity labeling methods, and can capture transient or short-lived protein interactions that might be missed by slower labeling techniques.

  2. Low Background Noise: TurboID exhibits low background noise, and is therefore less likely to produce false-positive results.

  3. Versatile Applications: TurboID can be used to study a wide range of cellular processes, including protein-protein interactions, protein localization, and protein dynamics.

  4. Specific Labeling: TurboID can be targeted to specific subcellular compartments or organelles, allowing researchers to focus on particular regions of interest within the cell.

  5. Compatibility with Multiple Host Systems: TurboID can be used in a variety of host systems, including mammalian cells, yeast, and other model organisms.

  6. Applicability to Proteomics: TurboID can be used in combination with mass spectrometry to identify proteins that interact with the target protein of interest. This can provide valuable insights into protein complexes and networks within the cell.

 Agrisera Turbo ID antibodies

Agrisera offers an excellent polyclonal antibody to TurboID. Check product information sheet here
 Agrisera News

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