Agrisera participated in the Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and Nordic Algae Symposium, between the 19th and 21st of June, at Umeå University, Sweden. At the event there were 119 researchers present, and 32 posters covering this year's theme "From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications".

A group of conference participants from Germany and Finland visited Agrisera's facility in Umeå during the evening of the second day of the event. 

Two Agrisera Best Poster Prizes, and a free antibody each from the Agrisera catalog, were awarded to:
  • Lenny Maliham-Yap from the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Graz University of Technology in Austria for the poster tilted "Probing the role of Ferredoxins in Cyanobacterial Biotransformations", and
  • Malene Olsen from the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Danmark, for the poster tilted "Breeding of Nannochloropsis oceanica for increaased growth rates using random mutagenesis".
Awaiting your free antibody choice!

The book "Photosynthesis, solar energy for life" was awarded to Shaikh Mohd Kashif from Univeirsity of Gothenburg as the first prize in a Quiz about proteins, plant science and antibodies, conducted by Agrisera. 

Thank you to all the conference participants for interesting discussions, suggestions and ideas!
1. Agrisera's table at the conference.
2. Researchers from Finland and Germany outside of Agrisera's facilities during a visit.
3. Left to right: Malene Olsen (winner Best Poster Prize), Lenny Maliham-Yap (winner Best Poster Prize), Shaikh Mohd Kashif (winner Agrisera quiz), Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund (Agrisera's conference representative and Technical Support Manager).

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

