We are happy to announce that the Agrisera Educational Poster 6 "Plant small RNAs: Biogenesis and Function" is available and can be either requested as a free hard copy and delivered to your mailbox, or downloaded as a pdf from the Agrisera website

Agrisera's Educational Poster Series came to life in 2016, as a close collaboration project between Agrisera, researchers in the field and Dr. Dmitry Shevela (SciGrafik). Posters 1-5 are focused on photosynthesis, while we are moving into another research area with poster 6, namely: plant small RNAs including microRNAs. Poster 6 has been prepared in collaboration with Dr. Blake Meyers, Dr. Junpeng Zhang and Dr. Keith Slotkin from the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. Separate figures from poster 6 will be available for download in October. 

The poster 6 launch is accompanied by 15 % off all small RNA and microRNA related antibodies until the end of 2022. 
Use discount code: Micro15

Agrisera Educational Poster 6 - plant small microRNA
Request your hard copy today, or download the pdf

Each year, hundreds of posters are shipped worldwide by Agrisera, free of charge, to spread knowledge and decorate the walls of offices, classrooms and laboratories. 

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