Agrisera supported the hybrid International Congress on Photosynthetic Research, which took place between 31st of July and 5th of August, at the Dunedin Centre, New Zealand. The talks were also available online. The theme of the congress was "Photosynthesis research - fundamental and applied science for energy and food security". 

Agrisera's Educational Posters, focused on photosynthesis, and product catalog were available as give-aways for the conference participants.

Agrisera's photosynthetic posters are developed by Dr. Dmitry Shevela and Prof. Govindjee, in collaboration with leading scientists in the field. Graphic design by Dr. Dmitry Shevela/SciGrafik. Agrisera has sponsored the printing and free, worldwide distribution of these posters since the development of Poster 1 in 2016. 

Images found in the posters can be downloaded for free, to be used in your publication or on your website. To access the free images, and read testimonials on the posters, please click the buttons below.

Free images for download



Agrisera supported International Congress on Photosynthetic Research 2022

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

