Agrisera supported the 2022 Plant Calcium Signaling Conference, which took place between 11th and 13th of July at "La Statale", University of Milan, Italy. 

Two Under 26 Awards were offered by Agrisera, reserved for two participants under 26 years of age. The Awardees received a Diploma and can choose any antibody, free of charge, from Agrisera's catalog, within one year from the conference.

The awardees were:
Eleanor A. Murphy, from Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, UK & University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. Poster title: "Cellular stress signalling in marine diatoms".

Anson Ho Ching Lam, from Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK. Poster title: "Evolution of nuclear calcium signalling in land plants".

Agrisera's Educational Posters and catalog were available as give-aways for conference participants.


Agrisera Supported Plant Calcium Signaling Conference

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

