Agrisera supported the 4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association, which took place between the 3rd and 6th of July at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. UV4Plants Association focuses on promoting research of UV impact on plants and the climate. 

During the conference, participants could listen to 24 talks, grouped into six sessions, on plant adaptation and acclimation, UV light under natural conditions, different aspects of UVR8 and other photoreceptor signalling or UV/induced DNA damage and repair. The best poster was awarded with the Agrisera Best Poster Prize to Dr. Neha Rai from the Department of Botany and Plant Biology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. The title of the awarded poster was: "UV-B photoreceptor mediated transcriptional regulation in plants".

Agrisera Educational Posters and Western blot brochure were included in the conference bag. 

Agrisera's well-published Antibody Collection for Photosynthetic Research can be found here


Agrisera supported 4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

