Agrisera anti-mNeonGreen polyclonal antibodies are effectively detecting mNeonGreen fusion proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana benthamiana and Chlamydomonas reinhardii in dilutions up to 1: 3000, good signal-to-noise ratio and low background.

mNeonGreen (Fluorescent Protein)
is a new bright monomertic yellow-green fluorescent, with low conservation level to GFP.  It has an excitation maximum at 506 nm and an emission maximum at 517 nm and is therefore compatible with the most GFP filter sets. mNeonGreen is 3x brighter compare to GFP, more stable and does not bleach so fast as GFP, which makes it very suitable for confocal and super resolution microscopy, for fusion proteins with low expression levels. It can be used in bicistronic vectors, which will allow simultaneous expression of two proteins separately, from the same RNA transcript. mNeonGreen has MW of 26.6 kDa.
 Results with Agrisera anti-mNeonGreen polyclonal antibodies
Check experimental details with anti-mNeonGreen polyclonal antibodies (AS21 4525)
 Agrisera News

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