In spite of the ongoing pandemic, the scientific community maintained its conference activity, with many meetings being conducted online or as hybrid events.

This year, Agrisera supported 29 worldwide meetings, with Agrisera Best Talk and Agrisera Best Poster awards. 

14 books "Photosynthesis Solar Energy for Life" were awarded and

16 awardees can choose any free antibody from Agrisera Antibody Collection.

Over 1500 of Agrisera Educational Posters were shipped worldwide

and hundreds of participants enjoyed Agrisera Quiz with prizes

We are happy to contribute to the growth of the scientific community worldwide and support meetings, workshops and conferences! We hope to continue with Agrisera support in 2022 and meet you either online or in person! 

 Awardees of Agrisera Awards in 2022

Coming conferences can be viewed in The Global Plant Events Calendar supported by Agrisera and maintained by Plantae
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

