Warmest congratulations to Dr. Clément Boussardon who has received The Umeå Plant Science Centre Agrisera Prize 2021 to acknowledge his scientific achievements and his engagement to improve the work environment at UPSC. The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a person working at UPSC and was announced today during the virtual UPSC Christmas Celebration.

Dr. Clément Boussardon works as a postdoc in Olivier Keech's group at the Umeå Plant Science Centre.

Clément developed methods to tissue-specifically isolate plant organelles and contributed to establish a gene atlas for iron containing proteins. Most of these tools are already published and available for the scientific community at UPSC and beyond. Clément Boussardon engages actively in scientific discussions at UPSC trying to help to advance also other research projects.

Six nomination letters were sent in for this year’s UPSC Agrisera Prize. Two of them were for Clément Boussardon. The Prize - a travel voucher - is sponsored by Agrisera and awards every year a PhD student, postdoc or technician for excellent scientific achievement and great commitment to improve the work environment at UPSC. Everyone working at UPSC can nominate a colleague for the UPSC Agrisera Prize, and the members of the UPSC board select the winner of the prize. 


 Agrisera Prize at Umeå Plant Science Centre 2021

Dr. Clement Boussardon and Dr. Catherine Bellini

“The prize gives us the possibility to acknowledge great achievements and commitments, and it is every year very difficult to choose one candidate out of many good suggestions”, says Catherine Bellini, chairmen of the UPSC Board who announced the winner during UPSC X-mas lunch. 
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

