Agrisera's Plant Actin Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody (product number AS21 4615) is the first recombinant monoclonal antibody made to plant actin. The antibody is developed in vitro using animal-free technologies, to provide end users with low batch-to-batch variation and secure a long-term supply of antibodies with the same characteristics. 

Actin is a highly conserved protein, and an essential component of the cell cytoskeleton. It plays an important role in cytoplasmic streaming, cell shape determination, cell division, organelle movement and extension growth. Actin is preferentially expressed in young and expanding tissues, floral organ primordia, developing seeds and emerging inflorescence.

Agrisera's new actin antibody can be used as a loading control for plant tissues, and works with chemiluminescent, chromogenic and fluorescent detection. 

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New Agrisera Plant Actin Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody

Experimental details for this Western blot, with anti-plant actin recombinant monoclonal antibodies (AS21 4615) can be found here
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