As of October 15th 2021, Agrisera is moving the focus to its own catalog antibody development, and will no longer offer custom antibody production services. 

We will continue to support your research with off-the-shelf antibodies and reagents of good pricing and with short delivery times. 

Collection of primary antibodies for:
plant and algal research | human proteins | bacterial and fungal 
Secondary antibodies with high titer and various labels (ALP, biotin, HRP, fluorescent)
Epitope tag antibodies
Detection reagents for Western blot and ELISA
Blocking and control reagents

There is also a possibility to develop antibodies together with Agrisera, as collaboration projects. Please let us know if this is an interesting option, and we will provide you with more details.

Good luck for your research and we hope to hear from you soon!

Questions? Welcome to contact us
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

