Between 21st and 25th of June Agrisera participated in the 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2021), this year held in a virtual format. The meeting gathered almost 1000 participants from around the world and exciting program was prepared. 

Beside exhibition in a virtual booth, Agrisera sponsored two sessions:

  • "How Do Plants Sense and Respond to Elevated Carbon Dioxide, Ozone and Drought?"
  • "Feeling Stressed? Environmental Adaptation in Extremophyte Relatives of Arabidopsis"

Thank you for all interactions, feedback and interest in Agrisera Educational Posters, which we will send free of charge to all who were interested.

Agrisera Antibody Collection for Arabidopsis Research can be found here.
 Agrisera Virtual Booth during ICAR2021
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

