Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Paweł Burdiak, from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland, who received the Agrisera Award for the best poster during the International Conference on Plant Systems Biology. ICPSBB took place in Golden Sands Black Sea Rseort in Bulgaria, as a hybrid meeting and gathered more than 150 participants from 30 countries. Agrisera supported the conference with the Best Poster Prize and Educational Posters.

The poster was named "The CRK5 receptor-like kinase regulates 
water use efficiency during plant development".

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Agrisera Antibody Collection to Arabidopsis can be found here.

Good luck with your research!

 Agrisera Best Poster Prize on Plant Systems Biology (ICPSBB 2021)
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

