Protein Extraction Buffer (PEB) is a universal extration buffer for the disruption and solubilisation of total protein from plant tissue (root, leaf) and algal cells. It contains anionic detergent LDS, which together with the recommended procedure, which is a combination of sonication and freeze/thaw cycles, has been shown to increase the amount of solublised and non-degraded proteins, compared to other methods. 

The PEB product information sheet can be found here.

Check: Video Tutorial: Sample harvesting and extraction

Protocols to work with plant and algal protein extracts

Please note that some proteins may require specific extraction conditions, as they may degrade in light or during extraction. Therefore, protein extraction protocol has to be modified accordingly.

Agrisera Protein Extraction Buffer (PEB)

Until the end of 2020, item AS08 300 is offered at a 50% discount. Discount code: PEB50

Product citations for Protein Extraction Buffer can be found here.
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