As anti-tag antibodies are most used antibodies, Agrisera decided to provide following anti-tag antibodies at 50 % off until end of this year:

  • aadA1 | Aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (chloroplast transformation marker)
  • Cas9 | CRISPR-associated endonuclease 9 (polyclonal)
  • c-Myc
  • C-YFP | C-terminal of YFP
  • DYKDDDDK (binds to Sigma FLAG®)
  • GST-tag (rabbit antibody, polyclonal)
  • GUS | Beta-glucuronidase
  • HA-tag
  • His-tag | 6xHis
  • LUC | Luciferase
  • N-YFP | N-terminal of YFP
  • pHRed

To claim the discount, use the discount code Freetag

Until the end of Septemeber, 30% discount is offered for chosen anti-HA tag antibodies:

AS18 4176 | HA (monoclonal, Clone HA.C5)
AS15 2921 | HA, conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (Clone 16B12)
AS15 2924 | HA, conjugated to HRP

Use the discount code HA30

We have also combined several anti-tag antibodies to a set at a discounted rate: Tag Antibody Set (Cas9/HA/LUC/C-YFP/N-YFP)

Agrisera's complete anti-tag antibody collection can be found here.


 Anti-tag antibodies from Agrisera

 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

