Throughout the months of April and May, Agrisera offers a 15 % discount on the whole collection listed below.
Promotion code: Dev15
Agrisera's antibody collection for developmental biology contains a wide range of antibodies for research on:
Circadian clock | Cytoskeleton | Flowering | Ion metabolism | Lipid metabolism | Photomorphogenesis | Senescence/Cell death | Signal transduction
New! Phytochrome interacting factor (PIF) Antibody SET (PIF3,PIF4,PIF5) | 3 antibodies (AS20 4375)
at a discounted rate.
Antibodies from these groups are used in many publications, which are listed on specific antibody product info sheet.
Agrisera primary antibodies can be combined with Agrisera matching secondary antibodies:
Goat anti-rabbit HRP conjugated, min. 1: 25 000 1h/RT (AS09 602)
Goat anti-rabbit ALP conjugated, min. 1: 1000 1h/RT, (AS09 607)
As well as Agrisera detection reagents:
Chemiluminescent set, which combines Agrisera Bright (mid picogram range) and Agrisera SuperBright (extreme low femtogram range) (AS16 ECL-S-N)
Chromogenic Agrisera BCIP/NBT ALP Substrate and Agrisera BCIP/NBT Plus ALP Substrate
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us!