The 44th FEBS Congress, 6.07-11.07, Kraków, Poland
Plant Biology 2019, 3.08-7-08, California, USA
Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society congress, 28.08-30.08, Umeå, Sweden
9th conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 9.09-12.09, Toruń, Poland
Botanikertagung 2019, 15.09-19.09, Rostock, Germany
Meetings which are going to be supported by Agrisera in 2019:
Molecular Biology of Plants, 18.02-21.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
9th Intenational Sypomosium on Plant senescence, 1.04-4.04, Berlin, Germany
TRI-National Arabidopsis Meeting, 10.04-12.04, Zurich, Switzerland
Vth International Conference on Research and Education, 8.04-13.04, Poznań, Poland
EMBO symposium, sensing and signalling in plant stress response, 15.04-17.04, New Delhi, India
The Annual Eastern Photosynthesis Conference 3.05-5.05, Woods hole, USA
The 14th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress, 22.05-24.05, Turku, Finland
PostDoc day, 6.06, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability - 2019, 23.06-28.06, St. Petersburg, Russia
The 23rd International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, 25.06-29.06, Paris, France
Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, 10.07-12.07, Munich, Germany
Amyloid diseases and amyloid mechanisms -ADAM 8, 28.08-30.08, Lund, Sweden
54th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis meeting, 25.10-27.10, Indiana, USA
SAIB 2019, 5.11-8.11, Argentina
Plants in a changing world, 6.11-8.11, Helsinki, Finland
Eastern Regional Meeting, 23.11, Brock University, Canada
Impact of Chromatin Domains on Plant Phenotypes, 9.12-11.12 Madrid, Spain
Short video instruction for The Global Plant Events Calendar