Agrisera is going to be present at the following conferences this summer:

Plant Biology Europe, 18.06-21.06, Copenhagen, Danmark (booth 028). Meet Joanna and Karolina

1st European Congress on Photosynthesis Research (ePS-1), 25.06-28.06 Uppsala, Sweden. Meet Joanna

International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 25.06-29.06, Turku, Finland (booth B8). Meet Linn and Magdalena

ASPB Plant Biology, 14.07-18.07, Montreal, Canada (booth 1205). Meet Linn

International Plant Molecular Biology, 5.08-10.08, Mont Peulier, France (booth 100). Meet  Joanna

and take part in Agrisera "Win a free antibody" quiz!

Agrisera Staff on Conferences 2018

We are looking forward to meeting you!
 Agrisera News

Agrisera News

